
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Operation Awesome #NaNoWriMo Update - Week 1!

Hi all! It's been almost a week since NaNoWriMo started - which means it's time for an Operation Awesome progress check-in.

J is rocking it at 14,227 words on a fantasy manuscript titled P.O.E. Out of everyone on the Operation Awesome team, J has by far the most words written for NaNoWriMo over time!

Kate is doing great at 16,116 words! 
Her contemporary F/F titled JULIET & JULIET is almost a third of the way to 50,000 words - awesome!

Amren hit 13,246 words today on their YA fantasy, GIRLS WHO SLAY DEMONS. It's a title in progress.

How are you all doing? Are you keeping up with your goals? Remember, as long as you're writing, you're winning!

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