
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Happy Holidays!

 By the time this goes live on the Operation Awesome site, it will be Christmas Day where I live in New Zealand.

So please let me be the first to wish you a very happy holiday season.  I realize many of you will be having a very different celebration this year, possibly without the family and friends you usually celebrate with.  I hope you can still have a joyful day, even if you are celebrating in separate houses, in different parts of the world.

We're lucky here, and can have family gatherings, but none of our whānau (family) who live overseas will be here, and they will be missed, even if we can connect with them via Zoom or Skype on the day.

The image above is a flowering pohutakawa tree - New Zealand's native Christmas tree. A lot of the trees in my neighborhood are absolutely dripping with these flowers right now.  So beautiful!

Here's a story that references these flowers and the kind of holidays we have here because Christmas is in the summer.

However you plan to spend the holiday, be safe.

X O'Abby

1 comment:

  1. Those are lovely, saw a bunch on my honeymoon to NZ a few years ago!


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