
Monday, December 7, 2020

What's in store for 2021!
We asked and you wonderful blog readers responded!  Below are the suggestions you want to see on this blog for 2021, arranged by topic.  We are already planning our posts!  Please come back all throughout 2021 to read the responses.  And if you have any additional suggestions, we'll let you sneak them in as comments on this post.  Last chance!

Writing process:
~what's your writing process like
~where do you get your ideas
~how to write faster
~plotter or pantser
~writing goals
~dealing with writer's block
~write out of order? Pros & cons


Social media:
~connecting with readers and librarians
~choosing which to use - Twitter, Instagram, others
~use social media effectively w/o spending hours 


~deciphering an agent's wishlist
~advice about comp titles
~Query Tracker advice (do I need a bio in my query AND the bio box, for example?)
~how much info to include in the equery or query form (are mailing address, phone number, and website necessary?) 


~deciding to self-publish or go traditional
~deciphering your readership
~building a self-publishing team
~how to find target markets
~marketing – newsletters, Bookbub, Facebook, finding time to do marketing
~spelling [color/ colour, gray/ grey] does it make a difference to publishing translations 


~identifying and fixing plot holes
~what are considered big picture edits, what are line-item edits, and when is best to do them?
~finding and working with a beta reader or critique partner


~More light on the services that ghost writers offer.
~How can fans help favorite books get more reviews?

1 comment:

  1. This all sounds awesome. Sounds like you're going to have lots of helpful posts.


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