
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Dear O'Abby: What should I get my writer friends for Christmas?

 Dear O'Abby,

I have a bunch of writer friends and we're getting together for the first time in over a year for an orphans' Christmas.  I want to get them something special as a gift because it's been so long since I last saw them and this Christmas gathering is going to be really amazing for us.  What are the best gifts to give writers?

Any ideas?

Yours truly,


Dear Ungifted,

Writers are just people and each one is an individual with their own preferences, likes and dislikes, so this is not in any way a definitive list of potential gifts.  You know your friends better than anyone, so you will know whether or not these ideas are right for your individual friends.

Notebooks are always a great gift for writers.  Even those of us who type our manuscripts directly into a computer are suckers for pretty blank pages.  A variety of sizes and shapes are handy too, for having a place to jot down ideas as they come to us.  I like a tiny one that I can fit into my handbag in case of inspiration while I'm out and about, a larger one to keep on my desk to scribble stream-of consciousness notes as I'm editing and one that fits on the table by the bed for those ideas that come at 3am and have to be jotted down before they drift back into the dream-ether.

A nice pen can go with the notebook or be a gift in its own right.  The problem is, everyone has their own preference when it comes to pens so be careful with this on.  You don't want to spend a bunch of money on an expensive set of gel ball pens when your friend only ever uses fine-tip felt pens or something else.

If it's winter where you are, fingerless gloves, especially the kind that are just tubes of fabric or wool, without holes your fingers go through can be a great gift.  It can be chilly for those of us who like to get up at sparrow's fart to write before work.

Mugs for hot drinks are also always a good gift.  I know very few writers who don't keep a cup of tea or coffee by their side as they write, and having it in a favourite mug makes any hot beverage taste better.  If your friends are tea-drinkers, adding a delicious blend can make this gift even better.  And if you also add some delicious chocolate, you're probably going to have the happiest writer in the world.

The best writing-related gift I ever received was Scrivener.  That software completely changed my writing life!  So that could be an option too.

Most writers also love to read, so if you're unsure exactly what to get, a voucher for a local bookstore is likely to be ecstatically received.  I know I always have far more books on my TBR list than I can ever afford, so am always thrilled with a bookstore voucher.

But the number one thing I think most writers need more than anything else is time to write.  Make up a voucher for your friend offering to take care of her kids for an afternoon, or to come over and clean the house one weekend so she can use that time to write.  That will no doubt be far more appreciated than any physical gift you can give.

Happy holdays!

X O'Abby

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