
Monday, July 11, 2022

E.B. White's birthday!
Today is E.B. White’s birthday!  He was born on July 11, 1899 in Mount Vernon NY.  He was a writer for The New Yorker and he revised The Elements of Style, originally written by William Strunk Jr.  He is best known for three books, all of which have been made into movies – Charlotte’s Web 1973 and 2006, Stuart Little 1999, and The Trumpet of the Swan 2001.

Have you used The Elements of Style?  Have you read any of the three books above?  Have you seen any of the movies?  Let us know in the comments!


  1. I've seen Stuart Little, and was thoroughly fascinated!

  2. Yes, I read and saw Charlotte's Web. I will look into the book, The Elements of Style.


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