
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Deniz Bevan answers #13Questions in OA's Debut Author Spotlight

Operation Awesome Spotlight #13Questions of #NewBook Debut Author posted by @JLenniDorner of @OpAwesome6 2022

13 Questions shine Operation Awesome's Spotlight
on this
2022 Debut Author

Druid's Moon by Deniz Bevan

1- Summer Fire was a 54-page erotic romance published in Dec 2017. Druid’s Moon is a 192-page paranormal romance coming in Sept 2022.
What prompted you to pick a slightly different genre and publish a book nearly four times as long?

I was impressed that I could write a full-length novel, ha ha!
I’ve been doing National Novel Writing Month for a few years now, and sometimes it feels difficult to reach 50k, even though I know that later, during the editing process, I’ll be adding many more words (so many scenes start out as dialogue-only in drafts!).
Anytime I have a story idea outside NaNo, it turns out to be a novella.
Druid’s Moon ended up somewhere in between – it was an idea that came from a scene in a dream, and it somehow could not be wrapped up at novella length.
Someday I’ll write the extra epilogue, which features a grand party to which many of my characters are invited!

2- Would you please, in 160 characters or less, give a #WriteTip ?

Write every day, even if it’s just story ideas and meanderings; inspiration comes from momentum!
Deniz Bevan answers #13Questions in OA's Debut Author Spotlight #NewBook #DebutAuthor #2022Books #13Questions

3- What emotions do you hope your book will evoke for the reader?

I’m always excited by the moment when the two characters in love finally admit their feelings and come together – I hope readers will be, too!

4- Is the "Baron of Lansladron" based on a real rank of nobility, and what country would that represent?

It is! It’s an ancient title from Cornwall. There was a Sir Serlo de Lansladron, of Lansladron in Cornwall, who was summoned to parliament as a baron by King Edward I (1272–1307), “but never afterwards, and of whom nothing further is known” (The Historic Peerage of England by Harris Nicolas and revised by William Courthope).

Of course, I know a little bit more about what happened to the family...

5- Would you share a picture with us of your book in a special setting?

Deniz Bevan answers #13Questions in OA's Debut Author Spotlight #NewBook #DebutAuthor #2022Books #13Questions
Digital view of the book on a hazy day with the Alps across the lake.

6- How do you support your fellow debut authors and have any of them supported you?

Oh wow, the blogging community is so supportive! I love hosting blog tours and guest posts whenever I can.
There’s also a great community on

7- What's your Twitter handle, and do you have two or three writer friends on there to shout-out to for #WriterWednesday ?

Here’s me: DenizBevan
I’d love to! Though it’s difficult to narrow it down to only three, so I’ve chosen three who are currently posting new projects, have books available, and/or provide editing services!

Jane Anne Decker: writerjaned
Claire G: AuthorClaireG
TL Watson: tlwatson_

8- What is your favorite creative non-writing activity to do?

I love to knit! Baking comes a close second.
playing cards Deniz Bevan answers #13Questions in OA's Debut Author Spotlight #NewBook #DebutAuthor #2022Books #13Questions
Playing cards from Dancing Lemur Press

9- #WeNeedDiverseBooks What's your favorite book with a diverse main character?

I’m going to go historical for this question – one of my favourite authors from childhood is Jean Little. She writes about young characters going through difficult times (e.g. the death of a parent) and children with disabilities. I always appreciated how real both her characters and their environments were; no pulling punches!

10- What's the biggest writing goal you hope to accomplish in your lifetime? #WriteGoal #BucketList #WriterBucketList

Right now, I’d really like it if my seven-book contemporary/suspense/romance/family saga could find a home with a publisher!
Deniz Bevan answers #13Questions in OA's Debut Author Spotlight #NewBook #DebutAuthor #2022Books #13Questions
View from my balcony

11- What was the query process like for you?

Long. Sometimes there are sparks of hope (such as when you receive a request for a full). Otherwise, it feels endless. I like breaking it up by submitting to contests and writing journals and so on.

12- Would you please ask our audience an intriguing question to answer in the comments?

I have a fantasy world tour for myself based on trips my characters take and places they’ve lived: I’d go to Nova Scotia, Quebec, Yukon, Alaska, BC, Washington State, Oregon, California, New York, across to Switzerland, then up to the Highlands, then down to Spain, on a three-masted sailboat from there to France, Italy, Malta, Greece, and Constantinople, ending with a trip in Turkey along the Aegean Sea, then back home!
Where would your story-based fantasy tour take you?

13- Anything else you would care to share about your book and yourself?

I’ve got lots of story inspiration photos on my Pinterest board!

Druid's Moon by Deniz Bevan

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

That one writer you always return to

I do not remember exactly which book by Avi I read first. I know that I read several in a row as a kid, which is normally what I do when I like the author's work. I still do this as an adult, getting on kicks and reading marathons. Avi is one of the writers I have followed for decades.

As a kid, I was very lucky to have a library that brought in authors for talks, signings, and visits. Avi was one of my favorites. He was funny with great writing tips and memorable jokes. 

With the advent of blogs, I subscribed to Avi's blog and have enjoyed reading his posts and books since. It is refreshing to know that even with writing so many books, Avi still writes multiple drafts and heavily edits in addition to reading his work out loud to his wife. This gives me hope for my own messy drafts.

Do you have an author that you always return to? With rereading their books or following them online? Let me know in the comments. 

Monday, August 29, 2022

August 31, 2022 is We Love Memoirs Day!
Do you love memoirs? I’ve read several and enjoyed them. I’ve never contemplating writing my own though. Have you? Here’s some ideas for you.

The difference between memoir, autobiography, and biography

Master Class – How to start writing a memoir

Key elements of a memoir

Common traits of a successful memoir

Before you write your memoir

How true and factual must your memoir be?

How to write a memoir

How to write a great opening line for your memoir [includes examples]

How to write a memoir that people care about

Rules for using real names in memoirs

Great memoirs [I’ve read 2 of these.  How many have you read?]

Are you writing a memoir?  Have you read any memoirs?  Tell us in the comments!

Friday, August 26, 2022

Query Friday-Query tools: Expanding the One Sentence Pitch into your Query

Last time I did a Query tools post I spoke about the One Sentence Pitch and how you could expand that pitch into your Query... today I'm going to attempt to do it. 


And Here We Go Joker GIF by hero0fwar - Find & Share on GIPHY

So, if you look back at the last Query Tools post (here if you missed it), I had three examples of One Sentence Pitches pulled from NETFLIX.

My favorite was the following from The Water Man:

Desperate to save his ailing mother, 11 year old Gunner runs away from home on a quest to find a mythic figure rumored to have the power to cheat death.  

 So, I'm going to try to expand that one out into my full query. Please keep in mind I have not seen this movie and I am literally just making details up as I go along.

 Now the one sentence pitch already has the Main Character, the Stakes, and the flavor/genre wrapped up pretty neatly. For the query, I'd like to expand on the character a bit, keep the stakes in there but show some conflict, make sure I show where the book fits in the market, and if I can add a little voice. Don't forget you don't want the query to give away your whole story- maybe tease up to the inciting incident.

Query attempt 1:

Eleven year old Gunner has never been what his mother calls book smart, but with the combination of his quick hands and and the people of Moor's loose pockets, he more than makes up for it. He never takes too much and he always picks his mark with care, until he doesn't.

After Gunner pickpockets the wrong person his mother is cursed with an illness no one can seem to cure. They are almost out of money and hope when Gunner hears about the Water Man, whose said to have cheated death himself. While his mother's life hangs in the balance, Gunner must leave the city that is his playground, learn to trust the guidance of a wisecracking mole rat, and figure out how to pay a price that can't be found in anyone's pockets.

The Water Man is an MG Fantasy Novel complete at XXXXX words. It will appeal to fans of X and X.

...Author Bio...

Pin on What's the sitch?

Query Attempt 2:

In the harsh city of Moor, eleven year old Gunner and his mother, only have each other. She works all day at the factory, and he uses his quick hands and street smarts to supplement the family income. The days are long but the nights are warm and its enough. At least it was until Gunner pickpockets the wrong person.

Now his mother is cursed, dying. The city turns away from them but beyond the edges of the city the forest whispers of a man who has been known to cheat death itself. Now Gunner must take the only path he can, out of the only home he has known, through a mysterious wilderness that cares not for his charm or brave smile, and find the Water Man whose price may cost Gunner everything he has and more. 

The Water Man is an MG Fantasy Novel complete at XXXXX words. It will appeal to fans of X and X.

...Author Bio...


 A bit thrown together, but hopefully you see that the One Sentence Pitch can be flushed out to a query with some details added, and you can use your word choice to convey tone.

I'd love to hear your thoughts? Anyone want to take their own stab at it in the comments below? 

 That's All Folks!” – For Now - Leading Advisor - Simon Reilly