
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

NaNo Tip of the Week--Week 1 of NaNo 2022


Welcome to week 1 of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)! Today we will focus on writing sprints. The goal for today is 1,667 words for the day with a total of 1,667 words. For Reverse NaNo folks, the goal is 3,346 words for the day with a total of 3,346 words.

Congratulations on starting your NaNo project! I am so excited to see where your project takes you.

Week 1 energy is amazing. I highly recommend attending a write-in virtually (or in person this year, from NaNo HQ) and meeting fellow Wrimos. Find people in your region, or who live in your area, by going to Community and selecting Find a Region. When you find a region and make it your home, you will be able to see where the region congregates on the web on the NaNo forums and elsewhere online (Discord, Facebook, etc.).

Go to a write in, virtually or in person. Participate in a word sprint, where the goal is to write as many words as you can in a specific time frame. My favorite (and current goal) is to consistently write 1,000 words in 15 minutes. I did it once last year, and whew, it was hard and it was great to know it was possible for me! I can't wait to do it again.

As for length, I do sprints as small as 5 minutes and as long as 45 or 50 minutes. I tend to favor the 15, 20, or 25 minutes with a break, and then divide these into an hour with breaks in between. I find it is easier to focus for the sprint length if I know that a break is coming in the near future.

Sarra Cannon regularly shares documents to track your writing progress for the month. I highly recommend watching her YouTube channel for writing tips and advice, especially for the planners out there. I enjoy tracking my sprint times and word counts to try and beat my record. You can also create your own tracking system by hand, or my favorite, playing in Excel or a spreadsheet program of your choice.

What are some of your sprinting goals? Do you find a certain length of time works for you?

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