
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Dear O'Abby: What are some good resolutions?

 Dear O'Abby,

I'm new to writing, but I love it and I want 2023 to be a year in which I really dedicate myself to my craft.  I know myself and know I can easily get distracted, so I want to set myself some good resolutions to keep me on track for 2023.  Do you have any insight into what the best resolutions for writers might be?



Dear Resolute,

Resolutions are a personal thing and need to be tied to your own, personal goals as a writer.   So I can't give you anything specific here, but I can offer some advice you can use while formulating the resolutions you will use to guide you through 2023.  Hopefully these are helpful!

Firstly, keep your resolutions realistic and manageable.  While it's wonderful to dream that this is the year your book will hit the New York Times Bestsellers' List, that's not something you have any control over so should not be a resolution.  Anything you resolve to do should be something actually achievable and something you have the power to influence.

So rather than resolving that 2023 will be the year that you get an agent, resolve to query your novel to a certain number of agents.  That's something you have control over, while getting an agent is in someone else's hands.

If your goal is a big one, like to complete a novel in 2023, break it down into smaller parts so it feels more manageable.  Facing an entire novel each day is huge, but if your resolution is to add 500 words to your novel manuscript each day, it feels much more achievable and you're far more likely to actually sit down to do what needs doing.

The most important thing is not to give up or to beat yourself up if things don't go the way you planned for them to go.  If you miss a day's writing, don't let that derail you.  Just pick up where you left off and keep going without all that internal recrimination.  We're all human and taking a day off every now and then is not going to keep you from reaching that goal if it's something you really want.  Most people end up quitting on their resolutions because they feel like if they break them, there's no point going on.  But there is!

Have a great New Year.  I'll catch you all in 2023!

X O'Abby

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