
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Why Children's Books?

There is just a certain magic children's stories. Some of my favorites are ones like Beauty and the Beast, Oh, the Places You'll Go, and The Giving Tree. I have many, many favorites, but why do I like them so much? Is it because I read them a zillion times growing up? Is it something about the characters or the story itself? Or the fact I can read it twenty times in a day?

Why are part of my 2023 goals focused on reading, and writing, children's books?

  1. Write at least one children's book in each category (board book, concept book, early reader, wordless, transition books, narrative nonfiction, etc.)  
     1. Read at least 10 children's books in each category (board book, concept book, early reader, wordless, transition books, narrative nonfiction, etc.).

It is something that I've been thinking about for a while. There is a mystery to how books so small and with so few words can be such a big part of why I read and write today. Maybe focusing on children's books will make my 50 K novel and graphic novel projects become more manageable.

Not that I want the mystery to be 100% solved, mind you. I want to explore children's books and see if I can write them. 

What are some of your favorite children's books?

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the sincerity of this write-up of yours, Suzanna. This sure has enlightened me more about this specific aspect. I read this same article of yours ago from Rosser McDonald. It is also unique and genuine, and I love how he twists some thrilling stories. I am so pleased that I was able to read your beneficial articles. Thank you so much.


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