
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Suzanna's Writing and Reading Goals for 2023: February Update


It is that time of year where I make some new goals. Hooray! I absolutely love making writing goals.

Here are my writing goals for 2023 and progress update from February:

  1. Write 100,000 words in 30 days as part of a NaNo project (Camp in April, Camp in July, or NaNo in November)
    1. Still brainstorming, but I have started my reading research.
  2. Write at least one children's book in each category (board book, concept book, early reader, wordless, transition books, narrative nonfiction, etc.)  
    1. I brainstormed but have not completed a draft yet.
  3. Write at least one new short story.
    1. I've been distracted by other projects.
  4. Edit at least one short story from my undergrad days.
    1. I have yet to locate them. I am still searching.
  5. Write at least one new poem each week.
    1. I am on target for writing at least one poem a week. I have begun making artwork in my journals and writing poetry as reflections.
  6. Put together a poetry collection.
    1. I am still searching in my paperwork piles. I had the idea to do something similar to Theodore Roethke's Straw for the Fire.
  7. Work on the draft for writing a nonfiction book about the day job.
    1. I am still collecting information for this project. I am researching other modalities to potentially include.
  8. Work on the draft of the graphic novel.
    1. I am in research mode and creating a plan to accomplish a new draft.

Of course as a writer, I also need to read.
  1. Read at least 10 children's books in each category (board book, concept book, early reader, wordless, transition books, narrative nonfiction, etc.) and focus on one category each month and then rotate. (23 read of 60 children's books)
  2. Read at least one book of short stories each month. (1 read of 12 short story collections)
    1. A Christmas Story by Jean Shepherd--I enjoyed it. Very well done adaptation with the movie.
  3. Read at least one book of poetry each month. (4 read of 12 poetry books)
  4. Read at least one literary magazine each month. (0 read of 12 literary magazines)
  5. Read at least one nonfiction book regarding the day job each month. (7 read of 12 nonfiction books)
  6. Read at least one graphic novel each month. (0 read of 12 graphic novels)
  7. Read a total of 150 books in 2023. (54 read of 150 books)
  8. Participate in every Kindle Reading Challenge this year and get at least 90% of the badges. (The hardest one for me is the perfect month where you read every day in the month.)
    1. I have 12/15 achievements unlocked, and I did earn the perfect month in February!
What are some of your writing and reading goals for 2023? What did you do in February?

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