
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Dear O'Abby: What do I need to study to get into publishing

Dear O'Abby,

I'm a high school student and I really want to work in publishing.  I'm going into my senior year, so thinking about college and I'm wondering what would be best to study to best set myself up for a job in the publishing industry.

Do you know or have any resources you could point me toward?

Thanks so much!



Dear College-Bound,

Publishing is a big field with many, many facets so it's difficult to know what to tell you without knowing what aspect of publishing you feel you'd like to take part in.  Different parts of the business require different specialist knowledge.  Most people think an English degree is a must, but that is not always the case and there are many jobs within publishing that don't even require a degree at all.

So before you make any decisions, think about where your skills and talents might best be utilised. Publishing encompasses many different areas - art and design, editing, sales, marketing, digital, legal and administration - so there are multiple routes you can take.

Most publishers also have internships available, so before making decisions about where you think you might fit, it could be worth getting some real-life experience by interning for a period of time and getting a real feel for how the industry works.  Through being on the inside and seeing the work people do, you are likely to get a better idea where you might fit and what job will make you happiest. It may not be what you think!

If that's not possible, my suggestion is to just pick college classes that you're interested in and that you're going to enjoy.  Not everything you study needs to lead to a possible career.  Employers are often looking for people with a diverse range of knowledge and skills rather than something specific.  Having a college degree shows that you can learn and through doing a bunch of different classes, you can demonstrate that you're a multi-faceted person with a wide range of interests. 

So best of luck for the future.  Take your time to enjoy college and the see what might be out there for you on the other side.  It may not be what you expect, but it may be the exact right thing for you.

X O'Abby

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