
Thursday, August 15, 2024

O'Abby's Writing prompt

 I realised I missed this one for August, so here we go. A writing prompt for this month.

I re-read some Virginia Woolf recently and was stuck by how, in Orlando, she writes from both a male and female perspective, often showing the same events from both sides.

This month's challenge is to write the same scene from two different characters' perspectives.  You can either pick a scene you've already written and re-write it from another POV or write something new that happens between at least two people so you can show the events through each characters' eyes.  They don't have to be a male/female pairing, just two people who would see the same events in different ways.  Perhaps parent and child, siblings, work colleagues.  It's up to you!

Post in the comments or email it to

I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with.  Happy writing!

X O'Abby

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