
Saturday, September 25, 2010

1k a Day

So, as I mentioned in my post on Tuesday, I am back on the writing horse. One thing I didn't mention, is my horse is one of those old gray mares, walking in slow, clunky strides. I am writing, but it is going slow, and I've been fighting it every step of the way.

I started this current novel last November, during NaNoWriMo. I really hate NaNo. I stink at NaNo. And yet, here I am again, feeling the draw of NaNo as it approaches in November. Every time I try it, I fail. I guess I'm not so good at writing goals. So here is where you all come in. I hope you can help me, as much as I can help you.

I did a little math. If I write a little over 1k a day, I can finish my current project's 1st draft by the end of October, right in time to plung into NaNo again. And, even though I dislike NaNo, it is a great platform to START a book. I'm not sure if I would've gotten the jump start I needed without it last year. And, like I said on Tuesday, I want to continue in the habit of creating something new. If I finish the first draft of my current project, I want to have something prepared to write, so I can create while I edit the current book--which is where this NaNo idea comes in.

So I start today, writing at least 1k a day. Starting October 1st, I'd like you all to join me. I will post daily updates on my personal blog, and on Tuesdays, I expect you all to check in on the Operation Awesome blog and tell me how you're doing. And, as long as you are on that writing horse, join me also in November for NaNoWriMo. You can join me for one or the other, or both goals.

This coming Tuesday I will post code for the cute little button on this post, so you can put it on your blog. Use it as a way to commit yourself to this goal. And, like me, tell everyone else. Perhaps by putting it out there, we will be more likely to achieve our goals.

If you can't do 1k a day, try a page a day. Let's get in the habit of creating something new.

Who is with me?

(Now, I just need an idea for NaNo...)


  1. I LOVE this idea!! Okay, I'm with you on starting a new project in November for nanowrimo, but I don't know if I can finish current WIP by the end of October.

    So I'll just do nanowrimo alongside you. This is awesome! Thank you, Kristal!

  2. This is a great idea. I participated in NaNo and finished, although I had to delete about 30% of what I'd written. At least it gave me something to work with!

  3. I'm in! I need to finish this rewrite before NaNo!

  4. hi miss kristal! sorry i dont know what that nano stuff is. but for doing a page a day i like that and i just got back to doing more writing. i give me a reward when i get a page done. i get 1 or 2 peanutbutter cups when i get a page done. mostly it works pretty good cause its my most favorite candy. you gotta be good to YOU! :)
    ...smiles from lenny

  5. Good luck!!!! When I am in creating mode, I strive for 1000 a day and some days I don't make it. But most days I do. And then there are those great days were I far surpass it...even double it!!! What an accomplishment that is!! On the whole, I end up averaging about 1000 a day. In July of this year, I added over 30,000 words to my MS. I was very happy!! Good luck!!!

  6. 1K a day sounds good to me. And I love Nano. The community, the writing... I always write a lot more in November than any other month.

  7. wish i was with you, but you know how things are going and life keeps getting in the way.

  8. I'm in your club, Kristal. If I write 1K a day, I could be done in two weeks! The thought makes me smile. And then I might even have time to plot my Nano so I could write that while in writing mode, letting current WIP rest before revising...


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