
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Update. Update. Update.

Ah Sunday, that day of relaxing, eating, blog trawling and, in my case, inflicting way too much sugar on my poor system in the form of chocolate. Although last week it was the bag of Swedish Fish I bought on a trip to Ikea with my parents, brother and sister-in-law. Yum.
But I digress. Today I'm here to do a quick Operation Awesome service announcement. We loved the response to the 100 followers contest, but there are still a few we haven't heard from yet. :(
Here are the winners below. If you won, but if we haven't heard from you, please get in touch. There are some OA gals waiting to say hi.

Julie Weathers wins Katrina’s 10-page critique

Elizabeth Briggs wins a custom blog banner or button, and a 10-page critique by Kristal

Coffeelvnmom wins Kelly’s 10-page critique

Jared Larson wins Lindsay’s 10-page critique

Cali Davidson wins Angela’s 20-page critique

Rachael Harrie wins Amparo’s one-line pitch AND query critique

Happy Sunday to all. Now this little Brit gal needs to get back to Kristal's 1k a day challenge. Have you joined the fun yet?


  1. I've nudged Rach, in case she hadn't replied yet.

  2. Again, thanks so much for such a wonderful contest, and I appreciated Kelly's perspective on my ten pages!


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