
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Heart Books

I like bookshops. I like online bookshops as well, but I sometimes get annoyed with the delayed gratification of not taking the book/s home right then! 

But the other thing I love about my local bookstore? I have a loyalty card that gives me points to buy more books. It's also (when it isn't the Easter holidays) peaceful. 

I can browse the shelves and time seems to slow. The spines whisper and vie for my attention.

"Take us home. Read us. Love us. Let us inspire you."

I get the same feeling when I walk into the library. The stacks hold promised tomes that wait to be uncovered like the treasures of Egypt. Only without the rumours of curses... A nightmare about a killer book monster coming after me would not be fun. A good story idea, but not fun. 

What is it about the power of books? Words on a page inspire us. They make us think. Encourage us to be creative in subtle ways. They feed our imaginations and draw us into other worlds/situations.

No wonder we all strive to recreate the same feelings within our own manuscripts.

Books are like chocolate. They release the rush of endorphins you get from eating the treat but without the calories. Even if they're just as addictive. :)

P.S. Don't forget to check out the Invincible Summer signed book/bookmark contest (ends May 2nd). And there is still chance to enter The Princess For Hire contest (ends April 21st). Go forth and possibly win awesome books. 


  1. I love bookshops -- the little cozy ones. The big box Barnes & Noble are okay if you know exactly what book you're going to buy, but for browsing and killing time, give me a quaint little bookshop.

  2. I'm still searching for my very own Neverending Story : )

  3. lol! Low cal yumminess! :0) luv it!

  4. I love books and bookstores. I can spend hours in a bookstore. And a bookstore with chocolate gets my vote!

    And yes, I would love to create the kind of story that causes a reader to write a comment on a blog like this, proclaiming his or her love for the written word.


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