
Friday, April 22, 2011

WINNER of Princess for Hire and The Royal Treatment ARC is...

Writer Tessa!! 

Congratulations, Tessa! I'll be emailing you to get your shipping addy. I'm excited for you because I LOVED these books.

For those of you who missed my double review, check it out here.

I enjoyed reading your answers to the question, which fiction or real royalty would you be for the day? They were pretty much what I expected (Kate Middleton, Princess Di, and Paris Hilton). This is further proof that, like me, you guys need these books to get a glimpse of royalty outside of Hollywood and England. Amazon princess? Check. Obscure country in Europe? Check. You're going to have so much fun reading these!

For those of you who didn't win, you can read all about them at Goodreads or order them from one of these awesome vendors and wait patiently by your mailbox. :)

The Royal Treatment comes out officially on May 3rd.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and blog/tweeting the giveaway!

Happy reading, everybody!! 

p.s. Linsey Leavitt, the wonderful author of these books, has agreed to an interview with Operation Awesome, so look for that in the near future.


Add your awesome here: