
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just Do It!

So the conversation is the same. You mention you are writing, write, have written a novel to a friend, colleague etc., then the words come... "I could write a novel, but I don't have the time."

My reply: 


Okay, I really say that neither do most people who write. 

I'd love to say most of my time is spent being goofy:

Or dancing:


But it isn't. So I say a writer works, goes to school, has families, cleans, babysits, shops, and goes to the gym. We do the million other things everyone else does, but we also write. The difference? We make the time. 

We shut out the real world for our fictional one:

We sacrifice the family meals, friend time, our evenings and weekends off to write. We record our favourite shows instead of watching them (I counted 5 episodes of True Blood, 6 Vampire Diaries, and 3 Glee episodes waiting for me to watch because I was writing/editing). We steal five or ten minutes in the day to get a few words down. We take notebooks everywhere just in case inspiration strikes.

We don't always have the time, but we make it.

So I say to anyone who tells me they want to write--just do it. If you're waiting for the perfect time to start, I promise, it won't come. Be bold. Be brave. Write now.


*Okay, some of my "writer time" is spent being goofy. Some dancing. Some procrastinating is done looking for fun things to post on blogs/Tumblr, but there is writing in there somewhere.... Most of the time.... After cookies. Promise ;)


  1. Love this! So true! You have to make time to write, its hard sometimes but if you want to get the book done its a must! Taking the time to write is something I NEVER regret!

  2. A great post. I really love the gifs you selected, especially the Winchester boys.

  3. I want to give this post a high-five! The implication that writers have SO much time on their hands always rankled me a bit. I don't know of any writer who doesn't have to juggle school/work/family/friends/relationships/other hobbies/etc along with their passion.

  4. This is so true! Love the images by the way.

    Great post!

  5. I have friends who laugh every time I talk about writing...that's okay, I KNOW who they are in my book!! :)

  6. Most of the writers I know work at least part-time and have families and homes and yards and...yeah. No one has time. But some of us just do it. Thanks!

  7. Okay, okay! I feel convicted! I need to make time to finish my novel. But I refuse to dance like Carlton!

  8. LOL at Lin! Great post and gifs, Lindsay! Love it! And of course you can't be expected to write until after cookies!

  9. lol, great post! It's so true, time MUST be made for writing. For any passion, really.

  10. Best. Post. EVER.

    I am notoriously lazy, so yeah. AGREED. :)

  11. Say it, Girl! I refrain from eye rolling when people say they want to write, BUT (fill in the blank). So do I, so I do.

  12. Awesome! Be bold. Be brave. And do it. =D Perfect advice.

  13. People will find to do what they REALLY want to do.

  14. Amen! If you want to write, nothing will hold you back. Great post!

  15. The perfect "writing time" never comes. If you don't make the time, you'll never write.

  16. I like to do the Carlton dance while writing as a means of inspiration...doesn't everyone do that?

  17. That made me laugh out loud... your post is spot on... LOL


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