
Friday, July 29, 2011

Mark Your Calendar August 16th-18th

It's almost August!

Know what that means for all us writers across the blogosphere? The world's best, webbiest, and free-est writing conference is on its way!

You can register for this online amazing-ness right here at Registration will get you set for participating in the forums, which you will definitely want to do. Feedback from other writers, and lurking agents? Yeah, that's the place for that.

Just like last year, the conference is free (which is incredible and all kinds of happymaking). But you can and totally should donate what you can in the bottom right corner of their website.

If you're thinking of skipping it this year, read this first.

Below you can read about last year's inaugural WriteOnCon conference from the perspective of each organizer-unit-thingy (mostly individuals, except for LiLa).

  1. Author Elana Johnson of POSSESSION, about WriteOnCon
  2. Creator of the famous Agent Spotlight, Casey McCormick, about WriteOnCon
  3. Bookanista Shannon Messenger, also of WriteOnCon
  4. Web genius and writer Jen Stayrook of WriteOnCon
  5. Bookanista Jamie Harrington of the pink hair avatar, and WriteOnCon
  6. Authors Lisa and Laura Roecker of THE LIAR SOCIETY, about WriteOnCon

Okay, words from Elana Johnson about this year's conference:
Trust me when I say you’re going to want to have your best behavior on, your query letter polished, and your schedule from Tuesday, August 16 – Thursday, August 18 cleared.
You heard the woman!

p.s. August 1st will see a Mystery Agent contest at Operation Awesome. Standard rules apply (one-sentence pitch, completed novels only, first fifty to comment make it in). See the official August 1st post for details, but the range of genres is pretty wide and varied, so just polish that pitch and plan on entering if you're feeling ready. Can't wait to see what you've got!!  

(I reposted this from my personal blog yesterday. It's that epic!)


  1. I can't wait! Last year was amazing. I'm so proud of the founders and so grateful for the participation from authors, agents, and everyone else who is taking the time to make this happen. It just shows you how special and supportive the writing community is!

  2. Jess, I couldn't have said it better! It's going to be awesome! Guess I'll see you there. :)

  3. Sounds fun!!! You have a fabulous blog! I want to award you with one of my homemade awards: Powerful Woman Writer Award for all the hard work you do!

    Go to and pick up your award.


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