
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bring on 2012!

It's January 1, 2012, and the new year finds me feeling strangely optimistic. Strange, because this is ME talking, and I'm not known for wearing rose-colored glasses.

Better things are ahead -- for the world, I most urgently hope. When I read year-end news wrap-ups, it's clear that for many worldwide 2011 was a grim year, full of political upheavals and dislocations, economic hardship, and natural disasters. May last year's unrest yield a happier, more peaceful, prosperous year ahead.

And for me, better things are ahead, I think. DEADWOOD, my debut MG novel, is due out from a small press in September, and on Tuesday I start a new job, which may last only a few months but in the meantime will pay a few bills. My family continues to be healthy and happy. I think more good things are coming and I can't wait to see what they'll be.

I'm glad and grateful to have survived 2011, and I'm looking forward to 2012. What are you looking forward to?


  1. Best wishes for 2012 and good luck with your new job! I'm looking forward to finishing revisions and starting new projects.

  2. Best of luck with your new job and your new novel.

  3. That's awesome about your MG novel. :) I'm really looking forward to 2012.

  4. Heehee, I should have mentioned that Operation Awesome is taking off this month from the Mystery
    Agent contest! The contest will be back February 1, so keep writing, revising, and getting your pitches ready!

  5. I hope 2012 brings you lots of joy and laughter - and success! :)


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