
Monday, April 16, 2012

A Writer-Who-Isn't-Going-To-BEA's Guide To Not Cry About It

BEA, or Book Expo America, is awesome.

Well, that's what people tell me. Because I've never been to BEA. And I won't be going this year, either. 


Today's post is for all you writers/bloggers/readers out there who, like me, are super jealous of everyone going to BEA. We will NOT be defeated by jealousy, people! We will throw parties and eat chocolate and dance and not cry. At least that's what I'm aiming for.

Here's a list of things I'm going to do while everyone else is at BEA:

1) Reading some of my most anticipated SEQUELS. Like these ones: 

2) Watching EPISODES of a few TV shows I'm currently obsessed with. Like these ones:

3) Google pictures of BABY PUPPIES, mainly Coton de Tulears. Which look like this:


4) Stare endlessly at memes that make me laugh. Like this one:

5) And when I'm not doing all of that, I will write. A lot. *fist pump*

So. If you're not going to BEA like me, I'm curious: what do you plan on doing to deal with ze sadness??  

And if you are going to BEA, I hate you. Deeply.*

*I'm kidding.

**Or AM I?


  1. I will be here with you, reading good books, sobbing into my pillow... :) To everyone who's going, have a great time!

  2. Weep not, Amparo. Someday you will be there.

  3. Although I have to say that I weep whenever someone talks about reading Bitterblue. No fair!

  4. lol I will be doing all of the above...although I am currently obsessed with episodes of Monk - I'm almost through season 4...plenty more to go! :D

  5. I'm jealous of everyone who gets to go, too. But I do have a LOT of good books to read just sitting around my house. I'll count my blessings for now and hope to go SOMEDAY!

  6. (From Charlotte Bennardo): I feel your pain! Not going to BEA (although was supposed to, long sad story) as an author-signer but going to support fellow writer Alissa Grosso and the release of her book Ferocity Summer. So, I will snag some free books, schmooze around and who knows whom I'll meet? But choc is a def!

  7. Okay...I am going to WAIL with you, lol. Sigh. Really had hoped to make it this year, but it's a no. SO--thanks for the guide to coping! And no we don't hate those who are going (repeat daily

  8. I SO wish I was going to BEA. Alas, I shall hopefully write instead...and read...and watch endless amounts of TV.

  9. I was going to BEA, then I wasn't, now I am (on my own $)- but as a gawker (even though my second book comes out just around BEA time). So I kind of understand. I promise not to torture you with any scooped up books (I won't be waiting in any lines for autographs, if that make you feel better.) Promise yourself that you WILL get there one year. It's something to work toward (took me years, so I feel your pain.) And good luck!


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