
Friday, December 21, 2012

Pre- Writers Conference Giveaway: NYRC 2013

Woot! I love it when Operation Awesome is operation: AWESOME!

It's time to spread the word about our upcoming online writers conference, and what better way than with an awesome online giveaway!

Enter using the rafflecopter form below.

New Year's Revisions Conference 2013

January 4, 5, and 6 

Totally free, totally online. 

You wrote the crap out of that book in November. Or maybe you've been working on yours even longer. The time has come... revision time. Pay the piper, meet the reaper -- all those lovely euphemisms for the real work of writing: revising. You do not have to do it alone. We have gathered a group of fabulous book lovers: the ones who write the books, the ones who represent the authors, and the ones who edit the books. They all want you to succeed in making your book as shiny as it can possibly be before you query/publish.

That's the focus of NYRC 2013.

If you love books, want to write, or have written a book, this conference will have plenty for you to love in the way of professional publishing advice, and yes, more giveaways. There will also be a critique partner matching service for those looking for a second pair of eyes for their work.

We'll be live-tweeting the events @OpAwesome6 and using the #NYRC hash tag. Hope you'll join us!

To recap:

  • Professional publishing advice from our panel of experts
  • Guest posts by literary agents, editors, and published authors - all with an eye toward helping you through the revision process
  • Book giveaways - *happy sigh* mmm, books.
  • Critique partner matching service (January 3, the day before the conference officially begins)

Giving away today via rafflecopter (giveaway runs from Dec. 21-24):
SHADOWS OF THE HIDDEN by Anne Riley (e-copy)
DEADWOOD by Kell Andrews (signed ARC)
AMAROK by Angela Townsend (e-copy)
A LITTLE BIT WICKED by Robyn DeHart  (e-copy)
SHIMMER OF ANGELS by Lisa Basso (e-copy)
$10 gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Even though I didn't take part in NaNoWriMo, I'm looking forward to the conference! When it comes to revisions I never know when to quit.

    1. Me too, Rena! Me too. I did NaNoRevMo, but somehow still have revisions to do! See you in January! Happy Holidays!

  2. I didn't do NanaWriMo. But I did finish the last 20k of my story during then.
    I guess you could say I've been revising one story on and off for a number of years now. Every time I read it to wind down, I end up revising ... in fact, now I think on it, I do that with every single one of them. ^_^

  3. I did not do NaNo, though I've written at just about that pace in the last few weeks to finish by Jan. 1! My most difficult challenge for revisions is battling a feast or famine dynamic. When revising, I get all slashy and cut a lot of stuff. Then I get feedback that motivations and emotional connections are missing. So then I add more of that and it becomes too much. That's where CPs are essential!

    Curiously, the book I'm just finishing has started out pretty spare. I think I'll be doing more adding than subtracting in revisions.

  4. My kids were out of school for almost the entire month of November. Year round school kills NaNo for me almost every year. I only have two more chapters to write to finish my rough draft. My goal was to finish it by the end of the year and I think I'll make it. This little conference is perfectly timed.

  5. Didn't do NANO but I've got two books (one medical thriller, one MG fantasy) that need some revision. I got some good specific feedback from an agent on the thriller but need some help figuring out how to apply it, and on the MG I only got one comment from an agent that threw me for a loop, so could use help with that also.

  6. I didn't participate in NaNo this year, but I'm in the midst of revising my ms, so really looking forward to the conference!The hardest part for me is not going back to the beginning over and over, but rather giving as much time to revising the middle and climax.

  7. I didn't do NaNo this year because I was already in the midst of revising one book and writing the second draft of another. The hardest part of revising for me is adding. This will be especially fun since I've decided that, for the book I'm currently revising, I'm going to chop 10+k and add what I thought would be a second book to it. It's going to take a bit of work, but I'm excited about it.

  8. What a great contest! I didn't do NaNo either but I've been working away nonetheless

  9. I didn't do NaNo, but I'm revising my book nonetheless and it never gets any easier for me, lol! Great contest!:)

  10. Perfect timing. I am busy with revisions. I'll take all the help you can give. Thanks!

    Sorry, it won't read my ID. Dawn Allen

    1. I did not do NaNo this year. Too busy with revisions.

  11. I did not do NaNo this year, because I had my first book coming out in November. Not that that should have stopped me, but the learning curve for all the social media I had to learn is quite steep.

    The biggest challenge I have when I revise is to not think every word I've written is crapola.



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