
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Passion For Reading

I sometimes take it for granted that everyone loves reading (and books) the same way that I do. That they share the excitement that comes with choosing and buying a new book. The thrill of starting a new adventure. The excitement of getting home to continue reading after a long day. Or the mix of joy and sadness that comes when you close the book for the final time.

But not everyone does. It could be they're too tired. Or they don't have enough time. It could even be that they didn't enjoy reading at school. Maybe they never had someone to nurture their love for reading.

I've been thinking more about how people can encourage a love of reading. It's something I've tried to do with my nieces since they were babies. We read together. A lot. And they love going to the bookstore to buy a new book.

They've even asked if they can have the books on my bookshelves when they're old enough to read them. I'm taking this as a sign that the reading bug has them hooked.

Your love of books can be a terrific way to encourage others. You can't force someone to read, but enthusiasm can be infectious. How many people pick up books because of word of mouth? Or read something because it was bought as a gift for them? Sometimes sharing a book you've loved with a friend could open them up to a new genre. It could even ignite their passion for reading.

How do you encourage a passion for reading in others?

Want some fabulous resources to encourage reading in younger children? Check out World Book Day. World Book Day in the UK aims to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books.

Also, Kelly wrote a great post about people who are a reading and writing inspiration here.


  1. I think about this a lot, too. I have a couple brothers (older) who don't see the point to fiction. *blinks* Yeah, what do you do with that? I've pontificated on the importance of story to society, nay, to our very existence. I've told them when you don't get enough story in your life, your unconscious mind forces it on you while you sleep. Story is how we process our world, our own personal journeys.

    But they contend that they can just watch a 2-hour movie and get the same benefits. *throws hands up*

    But one of my brother's kids, my niece, is already an avid fiction-reader, which makes me all kinds of happy. I've just begun to buy her books for her collection (she likes mysteries). Nurturing a love for reading is one of the best things we can do for our kids, I think. It literally opens up the world to them. I thank God my parents succeeded in sharing their love of books with me. And I thank L.M. Montgomery, who wrote the Anne of Green Gables books and made me see how fun literature can be.

  2. I'm always looking for ways to encourage my kids to read. It's hard sometimes, because they both prefer non-fiction, which seems rather... straight forward.

    They love to tell stories though! and that can be fun on a rainy day.

    I guess if they're reading at all, I'm happy.

    Great website! Love the storycraft videos.

  3. Parents are definitely a big part of it. My parents read to me before I could speak, and my dad kept up the "bedtime story" tradition (moving on to chapter books) even after I started reading for myself. Their love of reading definitely helped me develop my own.

    Just last night, I told my mom I'd been to the library after work.

    Mom: How many books did you get?
    Me: 9 or 10, I think.
    Mom: That's my girl!

  4. I encourage a passion for reading in my nieces, nephews, and students by first, showing that I have it. Second, by drawing their attention to books. I buy them as gifts to hand out. I also ask them for suggestions, instead of always telling them what to read. I take their suggestions seriously.


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