
Monday, October 13, 2014

My Office is Peaceful Once Again!

We recently replaced the flooring in our house, and I jumped on the opportunity to put tile in my office (an 11'x10' converted bedroom). The carpeting in there had a Crater of Doom worn into it from rolling my chair from desk to desk, and a more durable surface was overdue.

But as much as I love the new floor, I wasn't prepared for how disruptive renovations in my office would be to my work schedule. The office was supposed to be the priority for completion, but the contractor wasn't as familiar with the epoxy grout and that translated to several extra days of scrubbing to get the film off the tile (not scrubbing by me, mind you--but it's not how my hubby pictured his vacation).

The extra days meant I was sort of a vagabond in the meantime, sometimes working in the craft room, and sometimes in the travel trailer at the dinette. That latter spot wasn't too uncomfortable at first, but then we had 90+ degree days and I had to turn on the air conditioner out there. Which also meant ear plugs, because that sucker is loud.

But even with the "fun" of packing up and trying to find a place to settle, I was able to answer emails and tackle some other items on my to-do list--but not any actual writing. Which is when I got the email from my editor, asking for some blurbs and an elevator pitch on the Sekritt Project. Sigh.

One insight did come from all this turmoil; it hearkened back to my 20s, when I kept waiting for my life to "settle down" or "smooth out"--then I would be able to write. But I eventually had to realize that "settled" doesn't happen--or even if it is possible, you can't wait around for the perfect opportunity. You have to make those opportunities, at least if you're trying to be serious about creating some sentences.

So I'm returning to to book two of Crow's Rest (and those blurbs my editor wants) with a new determination. And because I know some people will be curious, here are a few before and after photos of the office flooring (yes, that is tile and not wood):

We also have some new reading chairs in our living room--plus another YA bookcase--and you can see those pics today over on Angelic Muse.


  1. Yay! The new tile looks fantastic!

    1. Thanks, Heather! It took awhile to find some that really looked like wood, but you have to touch this to know it isn't the real thing (without all the problems of hardwood)

  2. Awesome, I love the flooring. I also posted about finishing a construction project today - our master bath. So nice to have it done. Enjoy getting back to your normal routine in your new space.

    1. Oh, I love the tiles/stone on your bathroom wall! So pretty

  3. Great looking new floor! My parents have that same crater in their office! Love the birds on the mirror.

    1. When they took the carpet up in the office, the pad in that spot was nothing but dust, ew.

      And those are crow decals I got to use for Crow's Rest signings--but I was able to buy enough to put some in my office too!


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