
Saturday, October 11, 2014


Many people have asked me about film rights and other questions. I’m sorry I haven’t responded--but with my first film coming into production in a month--I just don’t have the time to respond to everyone. I hope this post will be of help to all of those I haven't been able to respond to. I really appreciate everyone and I wish you all the greatest success in your creative projects. 

Just to be clear--this blog isn’t meant to be used in any way for legal advice. This is just my own personal experience in the film industry. I have an amazing entertainment attorney who I go to for advice and I suggest you do the same.

 Below are a few simple rules. 

1.    I never sign a book contract that grants or gives away my film or audio rights.

2.    I would never work with a director or producer if they did not have film credits or  credentials. (Its easy to look up anyone in the business on IMDB. Check to see what movies they have made and watch them! ****If there is no information or just a facebook page, proceed with caution. Breaking into film isn’t easy and there are a lot of scammers out there. Do not pay for services that offer huge promises. )

3.    Distribution. I would never work with anyone who didn't have connections to major distributors. 

4.    Always sign with an Entertainment Attorney to help you. Make sure they have experience and a proven history in Entertainment law.

5.    Be informed about your project. Stay on top of it no matter how tired you are. This is your one shot! Make a big splash!   

7.    Do not get discouraged-I know its hard. Breaking into  film is a hard battle. Thankfully there are many ways to go about it. Keep going no matter what! Do not give up!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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