
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Prompt Me to Write

My favorite writing prompts are from dreams. I have "home brewed" story ideas if I write them down fast enough in the morning and can read my chicken scratch when I sit down to write for the day. These are original prompts, thanks to my subconscious. I collect my dreams in a journal.

I also keep a document of interesting articles, characters, and one liners that might inspire a story later. Then I can take two or three and combine them to create a prompt in the moment.

But sometimes, I sit down to write and want a mini break from my current project. A writing prompt would be an excellent choice rather than staring at the blinking cursor and letting my fountain pen drip ink on the page for two hours.

So writing prompts may stir the writing juices and start flowing words.

For a dose of inspiration, check out our #QueryFriday, our #AtoZChallenge, and Dear O'Abby.

Here are some writing prompt generators here, here, and here.

What are your favorite prompts? Happy Writing!


  1. Love the idea of a dream journal. I also keep a compilation of interesting articles, characters, and quotes aka one-liners for inspiration or possible use in a new writing project. Thanks, Suzanna!

    1. You are very welcome! I'm happy to hear that you collect articles, characters, and quotes too. One-liners are a great source of inspiration.

  2. Love the idea of a dream journal. I also keep a compilation of interesting articles, characters, and quotes aka one-liners for inspiration or possible use in a new writing project. Thanks, Suzanna!


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