
Monday, April 24, 2023

#AtoZChallenge T is for Denise Covey of Silver Tree

Operation Awesome 2023 #AtoZChallenge theme is interviews of established authors

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter T

Denise Covey is a writer from Down Under, who writes under the pen name, Silver Tree, for her paranormal stories and her own name for her contemporary stories.

Denise Covey is offering FREE BOOKS for 5 days: 24 April - 28 April. 

1.     Where do you get ideas for your stories?

Sometimes a random ‘what if?’ rolls around my head demanding an answer, sometimes a newspaper article, television show or a book spikes an idea, sometimes conversations …

2.  In what category/genre do you write? Why?  

I write primarily in two genres but in several forms - novels, novellas, short stories, flash fiction. One is paranormal in the form of vampire stories. Why? Because they force me out of my comfort zone and allow me to ‘what if?’ the hell out of the idea of supernatural creatures inhabiting our world. It can’t just be us, right?

My second genre is women’s fiction, sub-genre, romance, about strong transformational women who grow during the story. I set these stories in Paris because this city encapsulates all that I love for an inspirational setting (my settings are a character in their own right.


3. What part of one of your stories was the most fun to write? The most challenging? (And which book/s are those in?) 

Paris Dreams, my contemporary women’s fiction set in Paris was the most fun to write as I visited and lived in Paris several times to study locations and imagined living in a tiny attic in one of those Montmartre high-rises. Written during Covid, it was wonderful to travel vicariously.

Most challenging? My Renaissance vampire series. I don’t like to see my characters suffer, but suffer they must. Sorry guys.


4. Would you please, in 160 characters (not words) or less, give a #WriteTip ?

Let your imagination soar. Write what you what to know.

5. Do you work on one project at a time or do you work on multiple projects? Do you write and edit at the same time? 

I have several projects on the go at any point in time. Like my reading – I flit from one book to another. It’s always a relief when one book reaches the beta reader stage, so I can concentrate on one less WIP for awhile. Re-editing, I often re-read and edit the previous day’s chapter before beginning to write on any given day.


 6. What do you love and hate most about being a published author?

 The endless promotion. Sadly, as an indie published author, it’s hard to sell books if you’re not always in promo mode. My Amazon ads need updating constantly. When an ad doesn’t work, it’s time to think about new covers/new blurbs. But I LOVE the creative process. When I make mistakes, it's on me, no one else. There's always a fix available.


7. Do you publish traditional, self, hybrid, other? Why?

I’m self-published and proud of it. Paris Dreams had traditional publisher interest, but the timeline was so slow and personal appearances were involved. No thanks. These days, it seems even if traditionally published, you do promo work yourself, and that is where the real work lies.

 8. What question are you dying to answer (about your writing, life, or even a fun fact)? What's the question and then answer.

Can you write if you’re unhappy? Ha ha. I can’t, so I keep arguments with my hubby to a minimum.


9-     9. Would you please ask our audience an intriguing question to answer in the comments?

 What’s your favorite book of all time and why? If it’s made into a movie, which do you prefer?

10  10. Which of your books would you suggest readers start with?

If readers like contemporary women's fiction stories with a romantic element, start with Paris Dreams. (It is the beginning of a It Happened in Paris series). I’m making it FREE for 5 days starting today so do grab it! The second, based in a cookery school in Paris, is out when edits are complete.


 If readers like a juicy vampire story, with a dash of Renaissance history, I’d suggest they get their teeth into the first of my Vipunin series. Before I publish Book 3 (Master of the Pack) and the Prequel (Touched by a Vampire) I am organizing new covers, new blurbs which will not be done before this interview. I’m making Book 1 FREE for 5 days starting today so be quick to grab it! 








  1. Such a great A to Z series!
    And yay, love seeing Denise highlighted!

  2. I loved learning more about Denise. It's so awesome that you traveled to Paris and actually lived there for your Paris Dreams books.


  3. The cover on Silver Tree, Betrayed is catchy. I'm going to check it out. Thanks for a great letter T post.

    Stopping in from A-to-Z:

  4. Denise is a great writer. I love her work and have been privileged to work with her on the WEP. Lovely interview!
    I smiled at the keeping arguments low. LOL Good advice!

  5. Thanks for hosting me. It was refreshing to look back and forward in my writing life. Thanks Deniz, Natalie, Writing Sparks and Yolanda for coming by. Writing Sparks, hope you enjoy Betrayed.

  6. Great interview with Denise!
    Denise's Paris story is terrific!!

  7. Wonderful interview, Denise. I have a dream to visit Paris, but it seems everyone but me spent some time there. My daughter just came back from vacation in Paris and London. She was in raptures.

  8. Olga, I hope you get there. Obviously it's my favorite city I've ever visited.

  9. Great interview, Denise is a wonderful writer. Her stories are a treat! All the more so because she transports the reader right to the setting.
    Neat post for the A-Z, much enjoyed reading.

  10. Loved the interview, Denise! I can't get over the fact that you visited Paris for your book. This is inspiring. Picking a favourite book is difficult but I often quote from The Kite Runner, so yes, it's one of my favourites. Always prefer the book over its screen adaptation.


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