
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

#AtoZChallenge U is for Juliana Brandt

Operation Awesome 2023 #AtoZChallenge theme is interviews of established authors

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter U

Established Author Name: Juliana Brandt

1- I know you had a long journey to publication.  What kept you going on that journey?

The road to publication was very long for me! I wrote ten books before my first one, The Wolf of Cape Fen, was published. That journey very tiring and stressful, but through it all, I always loved writing. I was always very compelled to write books and to learn more about storytelling as an art. I also made incredible friends and built a solid community. It was very helpful to be surrounded by people who loved the same thing I did! 

2- In what category/genre do you write? Why?

I write Middle Grade fantasy stories! There's something spectacular's whimsical and magical about writing for middle grade readers. They're much more clever than some people give them credit for which means authors are able to write complex stories for them. They also still believe in magic in a way adults don't. This allows writers to create worlds and universe they might not be able to for another age category.

3- What part of one of your stories was the most fun to write? The most challenging? (And which book/s are those in?)

Oh gosh, each of my books were a lot of fun to write. The Wolf of Cape Fen has a lot of fairytale vibes though that I adored including. My third book, Monsters in the Mist, has more serious themes than my other stories. I discuss in that book the ways people love us - from people who love us kindly to people who 'love' us cruelly. Those themes were very important to me to include, but I had to be very careful while including them.

4- Would you please, in 160 characters or less, give a #WriteTip ?

Make mistakes and take risks in your writing. The exploration process is very important to finding the heart of your story. Writing the wrong thing is just as important as writing the right thing! 

5- What interests do you have outside of writing?

Anything outdoors. I find a lot of inspiration in being in the outside world. Most days can find me taking a walk outside. Summers are spent hiking while winters are spent snowshoeing. I also thoroughly enjoy playing the piano.

6- What do you love and hate most about being a published author?

I hate that I never seem to have enough time to write! But I love that I'm able to talk about my writing more freely with people. Before being published, I did a terrible job of talking honestly about my writing--it was so hard for me to talk about it! Now though, I'm able to discuss my stories more comfortably with people.

7- Do you publish traditional, self, hybrid, other? Why?

I'm traditionally published. All routes of publishing are wonderful, and I'm so glad society is much more accepting of the varities of publishing and the places we can find books. It means that a wider array of books are accessible to people. I personally went with traditional publishing, because my day job as a teacher means I don't have the time to dedicate to all of the work that goes in hand with self-published books! I hope to explore this option more in the future though.

8- What question are you dying to answer?

"Why do you enjoy writing books that include magic?" 

I've always gravitated toward writing books that include magic because it allows a very unique avenue to explore the themes of a book. I often find that magic systems are a wonderful way authors can zoom in on a theme in a story, especially on the way a theme will impact the characters of the world they've created.

9- Would you please ask our audience an intriguing question to answer in the comments?

Do you prefer reading standalone books or series? If you have a favorite, please include the recommendation!

10- Which of your books would you recommend readers start with?

Each of my books are standalone. If you're interested in fairytale vibes, start with The Wolf of Cape Fen. If you're on the hunt for spookiness and thrilling adventure, turn to Monsters in the Mist. If you're looking for a magical family story set in the mountains, go grab A Wilder Magic!


  1. Interesting questions -- even more interesting answers! I'm the author for Y, right? Sorry. The ghost of Mark Twain made me ask that! :-)

  2. oh, I really am an established writer of 23 paperbacks, hardbacks, and 32 audiobooks. The ghost of Mark Twain threatened to keep me up all night if I didn't add that -- he is a major character in six of my novels after all!

  3. Juliana, you asked people to let you know whether they prefer standalone books or series. I DEFINITELY prefer standalone books. I have not yet found a series that was consistently satisfying all the way through.

    Thanks again for your post. You gave a very interesting interview.

  4. So sorry, Ronald. Allyson Lindt has Y.
    Each team member brought a bunch of established authors to the tables.
    Only so many spaces.

    Perhaps this should be a regular feature? Something to go along with the Debut Author Spotlight?


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