13 Questions shine Operation Awesome's Spotlight
on this
2022 Debut Author
Bad Girls Drink Blood (Blood Fae Druid Book 1) by S.L. Choi
1- How did you decide on the edge of Las Vegas for a setting?
While supernaturals in our world is the norm in my book, I wanted a place where I felt like they would fit right in. I used to live near enough that I made regular weekend trips. I love the place.
2- Would you please, in 160 characters or less, give a #WriteTip ?
Write your synopsis first. No matter where you are in your writing career, you will always need one.
3- What emotions do you hope your book will evoke for the reader?
I really want the readers to close the book and feel like they’ve been on one wild (but fun) ride. I wrote this story for the pure joy of enjoying the adventure. Yes, there are underlying themes, but it’s more important to me that readers can escape reality and have a damn good time doing it.
4- Sun fae, blood fae... what types of fae exist within your story universe, and do they get along?
First, I had too much fun mixing my own version of fae with real mythology. The two main “powerhouse” types are sun fae and moon fae. The main character is a sun/blood hybrid fae, the only hybrid in existence. Her two adopted sisters are a sun fae and a snow fairy. There are several others who are there and gone characters, so I won’t load up this answer with the list.
That said, I never put in characters for the sake of a body on the page. If you see them, they have a name, and they don’t die … they will be back! 😊
Do they get along? Mostly. Yep! I’m being cagey.
5- Would you share a picture with us of your book with a cat or two of yours?
6- How do you support your fellow debut authors and have any of them supported you?
I love talking up my fellow debuts! There are so many fantastic books to talk about. It’s a little overwhelming - and it's overwhelming my TBR! Yes they have. There has been so much support, I’m humbled. If we are sticking with debuts, The #22debuts and #2022debuts group alone have been such a huge support. My fellow debut authors at @CityOwlPress are ROCK STARS. Debut authors with my agent and agency have been amazing.
7- Time to double-down on social media! What's your Twitter handle, and do you have two or three writer friends on there to shout-out to for #WriterWednesday ?
Also, can you please recommend a favorite #bookstagram account profile?
My twitter handle is @sl_choi. I have tons of writer friends to shout out, but I’ll try to list a few I know are active on Twitter. First, my amazing critique partner, @GabrielleAsh . @TM_Blanchet , because she is a recent (fantastic) debut. @HeatherMcCorkle because she’s just amazing. I want to list about fifty more, but I’ll stop at three.
There are so many beautiful bookstram accounts, but I really like @bookbumsandcoffeehugs. She’s a super cool lady I had the pleasure of doing a FB live interview with and she posts about books that are right up my alley. You’ll find me on Insta as much (maybe more) than Twitter these days @slchoi_author
8- What is your favorite creative non-writing activity to do?
This one is easy. Photography!
9- diversebooks.org #WeNeedDiverseBooks What's your favorite book with a diverse main character?
I hate narrowing down to favorites. There are always so many I want to throw at everyone! I’ll say the first one that popped into my head – the Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir.
10- What's the biggest writing goal you hope to accomplish in your lifetime? #WriteGoal #BucketList #WriterBucketList
I achieved this. I have a handful of author idols. Kim Harrison the urban fantasy OG. Having my book in front of her was goal enough, but then she reviewed it and said such amazing things! I’m still not sure I didn’t dream it. Am I dreaming right now?
11- What was the query process like for you?
Grueling. There is no way around it. It’s a very vulnerable place to put yourself. It’s a journey of highs and lows. I’m so fortunate with how things ended, but it was a long, painful road to get there.
12- Would you please ask our audience an intriguing question to answer in the comments?
If you could move into the world of any book, which would it be and why?
13- Anything else you would care to share about your book and yourself?
I was recently shoved out of my comfort zone and onto TikTok. I’d love to make more connections there! @slchoi_author
I’ll leave two super short excerpts to show soft and hard of Lane- Bad Girls Drink Blood main character:
“The silence was alive and loud against my eardrums. Fine. We were related. He was a monster, but so was I. Time for me to take advantage of that fact.”
“You are so much more than this
His words burned joy into every fiber of my being, and I pressed a fist to the ache of emotion swelling dead center to my chest.”
These questions were pretty unique, and I had so much fun. Thank you so much for having me.
Goodreads giveaway https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/346416-bad-girls-drink-blood – for signed paperback copy. Running through June 17th
Bad Girls Drink Blood (Blood Fae Druid Book 1) by S.L. Choi
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