Fragile Remedy by Maria Ingrande Mora
LGBTQ+ Science Fiction
1- What is your favorite brunch?
My favorite brunch is outside in the shade on a pretty day with pancakes and mimosas and a side of floppy bacon. I love it when brunch lasts for a couple of hours. I’m a bigger fan of a one-on-one brunch than a group.
2- Would you please, in 160 characters or less, give a #WriteTip ?
Every word counts as practice. Write what feels good. Don’t judge your writing; celebrate your effort.
3- What most motivates you to read a new book?
Usually some element of it catches my attention -- such as a trope I know I love, or a character who sounds like someone I’ll fixate on. Sometimes the concept itself is something I know I’ll love. Lately (basically during the entire pandemic and counting), I’ve had a hard time focusing on sitting down and reading.
4- March is Women's History Month. What contribution or specific achievement by a woman in American history is your favorite? (http://womenshistorymonth.gov)
Mae Jemison went to Stanford at 16, traveled the world with the Peace Corps, worked on critical medical research projects, and then made a career change to become an astronaut and was the first Black woman to go to space. She is so cool. Her foundation, 100 Year Starship ™ ( 100YSS ), is working toward human travel beyond our solar system within 100 years.
5- Would you share a picture with us of your book with a pet?

6- How far off do you think we are from GEM technology actually existing?
I think we’re already at a place where dehumanization is excused and ignored. From a cultural standpoint, regardless of how close we are technologically speaking, I don’t think we’re particularly far from a situation similar to Gathos city’s GEMs.
7- What's your Twitter handle, and do you have two or three writer friends on there to shout-out to for #WriterWednesday ?
I’m @mariamelee on Twitter. I’d like to shout out @linseymiller and @dancingofpens .
8- Do you have a favorite #bookstagram image or account/ profile?
I love @peireads on Instagram. It’s so cool to me that she balances being a doctor and running a beautiful bookstagram account.
9- Are you a Plotter, Pantser, or Plantser, and how did you adopt that style?
Ugh, I’m a pantser. I’m a pantser. It’s the worst. It’s so hard in revisions. I am TRYING to become a plantser. My current WIP was lightly outlined and lo and behold, it helped a ton.
10- What does your basic writing schedule look like, and how often do you write?
When I’m drafting, I write 5 days a week and aim for at least 500 words a session. I prefer to hit 1000 words a session. I write in the evenings after work and after dinner. When I’m revising, I have a harder time structuring my time but I try to hit a chapter in one session.
11- What is your favorite book by someone else, what's the author's Twitter handle, and what do you love most about that book? #FridayReads book recommendation time!
Author name: TJ Klune @tjklune
Title: The House in the Cerulean Sea
Love because: I don’t read many books shelved for adults, but this one was an absolute delight and so magical and soft. It was nice reading a main character close to my age, too. This is an easy, warm read that feels very cozy.
12- What emotions do you hope your book will evoke for the reader?
Devastation followed by hope.
13- What kind of impact do you hope your book will have?
I’d love for teens to have fun escaping into a high stakes world where characters just happen to be queer.
14- What is your favorite creative non-writing activity to do?
I enjoy cooking every once in a while! It’s nice to follow a recipe and end up with something that feels like a huge accomplishment. I’m not a natural cook but I love eating.
15- In what ways are the main characters in your book diverse? diversebooks.org #WeNeedDiverseBooks
Fragile Remedy’s cast includes gender diversity, queer characters, a character with chronic illness, and characters of color. I am a bisexual cis woman.
16- What method do you feel is the best way to get book reviews?
I am a professional marketer, but when it comes to my writing, I have a very hard time “selling” it. I’d love to know the best way to get book reviews. I believe that when people find a book they connect to emotionally, they want to share that connection with others. So I hope that Fragile Remedy finds its audience.
17- What was the deciding factor in your publication route?
I always knew that I wanted to go traditional publishing. Flux is an indie publisher, and very supportive and hands on. It was important to me to work with a publisher who could help get my book into the hands of teens, educators, and librarians. This is tough the self-publishing route.
18- What's the biggest writing goal you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
I’d like to remain consistent in my writing and publish books on a regular schedule, even if that schedule is a little slow compared to authors who are able to publish a couple of books a year.
19- Would you please ask our audience a question to answer in the comments?
What’s your favorite tag on AO3?
20- Anything else you would care to share about your book and yourself?
Maria Ingrande Mora is a content designer and a brunch enthusiast. Her love languages are snacks, queer joy, and live music. A graduate of the University of Florida, Maria lives near a wetlands preserve with two dogs, two cats, and two children.
Sixteen-year-old Nate is a GEM—a Genetically Engineered Medi-tissue—created by Gathos City scientists as a cure for the elite from the fatal lung rot ravaging the population. As a child, Nate was smuggled out of the laboratory where he was held captive and taken into the Withers—a quarantined, lawless region. He manages to survive by becoming a Tinkerer, fixing broken tech in exchange for food or a safe place to sleep. When he meets Reed, a kind and fiercely protective boy who makes his heart race, and his misfit gang of scavengers, Nate finds the family he’s always longed for—even if he can’t risk telling them what he is.
But Gathos created a genetic fail-safe in their GEMs—a flaw in their DNA that causes their health to rapidly deteriorate as they age unless they are regularly dosed with medication controlled by Gathos City. When violence erupts across the Withers, Nate’s illegal supply of medicine is cut off, and a vicious attack on Reed threatens to expose his secret. With time running out, Nate is left with only two options: work for a shadowy terrorist organization that has the means to keep him alive, or stay—and die—with the boy he loves.
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Fragile Remedy by Maria Ingrande Mora
Writing. Looks like a cool book. Thanks for the giveaway
I think the tag I look up most often on AO3 is James "Bucky" Barnes...
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