Friday, March 3, 2023

Query Friday: Resolution Check in

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What happened to February? March has arrived full steam, and the year has been way busier than anticipated already. I was surprised by how fast this check in came, but here we go...

1) Writing: To write and completely revise and edit two new novels.

I have at least two new projects that I am super excited about but I'm a one project at a time kind of girl and I just can't choose! Send help!

i can't choose gifs | WiffleGif

2) Read at least three books a month.

February's books were awesome. All surprising in unique ways.



3) Attend two writer's conferences. At least one in person.

Any recommendations out there? Conferences you have loved, virtually or in person? Let me know!

4) Have my own personal writing retreat.

I have to pick a project to dive in on. Hopefully, I will be making progress and pushing towards conclusion in the next few months and can justify a getaway then!

5) Make more friends in the writing community.

So far this has been my greatest success. This community is amazing and I'm looking forward to getting to know more of you.

How are you all doing with your resolutions. Any bookish goals? If you need an accountability partner you can find me on Twitter (for as long as it's there) @MidlifeCreative, and if you have book recommendations drop them in the comments below.

Happy Writing!


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