Friday, May 12, 2023

Query Friday: Champagne Rejections

 Champagne Toast Type Fragrance Oil

Champagne rejections.

You may have heard the term floating around and wondered what they were, or even received a few yourself. 

A champagne rejections is when you receive a rejection that is full of praise for your work, but isn't an offer. The fact that someone took the time to give you feedback, had positive things to say, or ended the rejection with "I'm sure another agent will feel differently" or "If this doesn't find an agent I'd love to see your next project" is definitely something to celebrate.

But for some of us the close, but not close enough is harder to take. It's hard not to know what you have missed when all the comments are glowing.

If you can take this as a sign of progress. You have work worthy of fighting for. Now you just have to find the right champion.

Happy writing!


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