Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Read a Book Day - #ReadABookDay #DebutAuthors

Read a Book Day - #ReadABookDay

Today's holiday is Read A Book Day. I suggest picking up the debut book of a first-time author. Do you have such a book to suggest?

Our Debut Author Spotlight has depended on Twitter as a source for finding such books and authors for many years. With the recent changes, it has become more difficult to find them each week. They're still out there! Just more difficult to track down due to certain changes on that social media site. 

Today is also the twelfth anniversary of the Insecure Writers Support Group. #IWSG

If you're a writer with a blog, consider stopping over at the monthly bloghop which has provided support for twelve years.


Leigh Caron said...

Awesome suggestion about reading an debut author's book.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I agree with you that it's getting harder to find debut authors, and the 2024 debut group doesn't have as many next year. It's causing me to change my blog's focus a bit. Here are some debut author recommendations: The Great Texas Dragon Race, A Tall Dark Trouble, and How to Find a Missing Girl (being featured at Literary Rambles today).