It is with a heavy heart that the Operation Awesome Team must say Goodbye.
We have seen a severe drop in views and comments. (See above.)
I, J Lenni Dorner, have been unable to continue with the Debut Author Spotlight since my primary sources to find the authors derailed.
Pass or Pages stopped functioning because the methods we used to communicate with agents stopped getting results.
Everything has been in decline.
The Team, though it evolved over the years, has always done our best to support writers in every stage of the journey. We hope there are success stories out there, hundreds we have yet to hear beyond the dozen or so of which we have been made aware. Dig through our archives, and perhaps our past wisdom will help you achieve success.
We all wish you the very best. Please, always feel free to reach out to us. Every member of the Operation Awesome Team was dedicated to helping fellow writers because we care.
Thank you for reading.
Sorry to see such a great site go.
Sorry you decided to say goodbye but I understand your frustrations as less people read and comment on blogs. Thanks for all you've done here.
Thank you for all your exceptional work. You've provided fantastic insight and opportunities.
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