Friday, October 1, 2021

The Query is key.


If agents are the gate keepers to the publishing world, then is the query letter your key?

This is arguably the case. Just as the key has fundamental components that allow it to function and unlock doors, so does the query letter.


The first primary piece of the key is the head. Without this its very hard to get the key in the lock, or your query letter read. In terms of a query letter, this is the solid information the agent is looking for: Genre, target age group, word count. Agents will be looking to see if there is anything they can grab a hold of here. Without this fundamental info the key may be pretty to look at but is essentially useless.

The next component is the spine. This is the backbone of our stories. The who, what, where and why’s. Perfect demographics and high concept ideas are worthless without a strong story (or spine) to assist in delivering them.

Finally, is the biting, and this is the trickiest part. These are the special elements that determine if the key will actually open a door. These pieces might be what set your story apart from similar looking keys that just don’t fit. Just as there are many keys there are many locks, and agent preferences, tastes, current clients and lists, can all come into play here.

Over time your query letter may change shape, get smoothed out, maybe even twisted. But as countless fictional heroes have taught us…

Happy Hunting!


If you are looking to make connects or get support along your journey please comment below. I’d love to build a supportive community here within the Operation Awesome universe. #QuerySupportGroup

                                                                                                            (Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay)



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