Friday, November 11, 2022

Query Friday: NaNo State of Mind

 Happy Friday!

This week I'm a little NaNo obsessed. I've been getting my butt in a chair to write every day and I've got to say, it's working for me.

Who Knew GIFs | Tenor

I still have my YA Fantasy out in the slush, but Nano has proven a pleasant distraction. Keeping me from wearing out my fingers and losing my mind while refreshing QueryTracker.

And with both NaNoWriMo and querying in mind, you might be daydreaming about finishing this project. How it's going to be the next bestseller. All the agents you're going to send it off to...

 Young girl daydreaming while reading a book - stock photo 1174698 |  Crushpixel

 And my query tip for this week is DON'T. 

Not the daydreaming. Daydreaming is fully endorsed. Don't send out the rushed, possibly rambling, NaNo draft of your novel.

Let it sit. Let it breathe. Come back to it and edit it. Maybe you need another draft, or two, or twelve. 

But don't query it on December 1st. 

Happy NaNo-ing!

My stats are below, and I am BB427 if anyone wants to find me on the NaNo site.


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