Friday, October 6, 2023

Query Friday: Resolution Check in and October Things

 Hello October in front of fall trees


Hello all! 

Happy October!

October is my favorite month for absolutely no reason at all. The air smells better, the colors are brighter, and you get to demand candy from strangers. It really is the best!

I haven't done a resolution check in in a while, so here it goes.

1) Writing: To write and completely revise and edit two new novels.


 Supernatural || Gif Series(Completed) - 🖤Belphegor🖤 - Wattpad

So, this one may have been a little optimistic. One is done(ish). I will be tackling another for NaNo- the completely revise and edit would make for a very busy December but it's not impossible.

2) Read at least three books a month.


Done and done. And I still have about 40 more on my TBR.

3) Attend two writer's conferences. At least one in person.

Ack... I haven't. I did join a critique group that does a lot of work shopping which is kind of in that realm. Thinking about going to Y'all Fest- anyone else?

4) Have my own personal writing retreat.

This one is happening!!!! Yay

5) Make more friends in the writing community.

Always a goal! I've joined BlueSky just in case the site formally known as Twitter goes up in flames. You can find me there at Still @MidlifeCreative on X/Twitter.  Anyone doing NaNo this year? I'll be there for the month of November under BB427. Come say hi!

Happy Writing!


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