Welcome to the Operation Awesome #TackleTBR Challenge!
You have you CHOICE of challenges!
Challenge A
- Comment about the best debut author book you've ever read. Every author had that 'first book' published at some point. Tell us which was your favorite, why, and if you've read other books by the author since then.OR
Challenge B
- OA and Wishful Endings both love owls. Our Operation Awesome owl mascot, Oliver, wants you to find books with owls! Comment with information about an important owl character in a book. Be sure to include the book title and author.OR
Challenge C
- OA and Wishful Endings both love owls. Our Operation Awesome owl mascot, Oliver, wants you to find books with owls! Publicly post an image* of a book cover that has an owl on it. You can use Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, your own blog, etc. Be sure to hashtag the image with #OperationAwesomeOwls #TackleTBR for credit. *Do NOT violate copyright laws while doing this.THE PRIZES
Choose between:- A query critique from two members of the OA team.
- A weekend guest post on the OA blog. (*Post must fit our theme of books, writing, publishing, or other such literary interests. Available dates begin in October.)
- Owl magnetic bookmarks.
Comment on this post with the following information:- For Challenge A, simply leave your answers.
- For Challenge B, comment with information about an important owl character in a book, the name of the book, and the name of the author.
- For Challenge C, comment with a link to your "owl on a book cover" image hashtagged #OperationAwesomeOwls #TackleTBR
- Either way, include in your comment a (typed out) email to reach you!
- AND include which of the three prizes you want to win. PICK ONLY ONE.
Contest is one day only-- September 18, 2016.
Sample comment:
Challenge B.
I choose Errol, an owl from the Harry Potter series. He was a Great Grey Owl that resembled a molting feather duster. His loyalty was to the Weasley family in the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling. Errol provided comic relief and small stumbling blocks for the other characters.
"That bloody bird's a menace!" —Ron Weasley
Email: OperationAwesome6 AT gmail DOT com
I want to win the Owl magnetic bookmarks, please.
Challenge Choice:
Challenge Answer:
Email: Handle AT provider DOT com

Challenge Choice: Challenge A
Challenge Answer: Battle Dress by Amy Efaw is about a woman's experience at West Point. I'm not really interested in the military at all, but this book kept me hooked the whole way through. She's also written After, which I liked as well, but not nearly as much as I like Battle Dress.
Email: yopiyesih [at] gmail [dot] com
Prize: I'm hoping for the bookmarks!
Challenge C: I posted on Twitter
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
Prize: The owl bookmarks, of course! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Challenge Choice: Challenge A
Challenge Answer: My choice for favorite debut novel has to be the YA novel Playing With Matches by Brian Katcher. Up until I read it, I have to admit I didn't take YA seriously. But that book showed me how emotionally debilitating good YA can be.
I relived all of my own youthful mistakes through the eyes of the protagonist, and even though I'm usually an unemotional slab of man-beef, I couldn't even get out of bed after finishing it. I've been reading/writing in the genre ever since.
Playing With Matches inspired me to read another of Brian Katcher's work, Almost Perfect, which similarly drained me of all desire to live... in a good way.
Email: ayninmoats AT gmail DOT com
Prize: The query critique, please!
Thanks for the fun giveaway :)
Challenge Chioce: A
Answer: BE MORE CHILL by Ned Vizzini was the book that first hooked me into the YA genre, but it was THIRTEEN REASONS WHY by Jay Asher that rocked my world and made me fall hard for contemporary realistic YA-- my passion. I can't wait for the Netflix series based on the book that'll be out in the next year. And I've already pre-ordered Jay's 2nd solo novel, WHAT LIGHT, which releases Oct. 6. He also co-authored one other novel with Carolyn Mackler called THE FUTURE OF US; a fun, romantic time-altering story.
Email: niki AT nikimoss DOT com
Prize: Query critique! :)
Challenge C
Jsdorner at gmail dot com
Bookmarks, please!
Challenge Choice: A
Challenge Answer: Best debut author's book: Spirited Away by Maggie Plummer. An excellent book that concerns Irish slavery in the New World, which was a reality from Elizabethan times onward. It's well-written and a story everyone should be familiar with. Her second book in the series has just been published and is on my "to be purchased" list.
giffmacshane at gmail dot com
Prize: Query Critique. Thanks!
Challenge B
I choose Sophie Topfeather from the middle grade novel Sophie's Quest by Sonja Anderson. Sophie's a young, inquisitive owl who sets off on a dangerous quest to discover the true meaning of the "t" that dangles from the golden necklace she found.
laurifortino AT gmail DOT com
I'd love to guest post on the OA blog!
Challenge Choice: A
Debut author is Jessica Lawson's 2015 book 'The Actual & Truthful Adventures of Becky Thatcher'
It just resonated in a way that nothing else around that time had, providing a little of that old world escapism that we need ever once in a while.
I have not read either of her next two books. I guess I'm afraid of not liking them as much.
I'd love to guest post too.
Love this! Thanks so much for hosting! Don't enter me, but here is my response to the challenge:
Challenge A
Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson
Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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