With NaNo and revisions going on, I haven't had a ton of time to read. That always makes me sad. But my revision is nearly finished, and I'm looking forward to reading some good books by the fireplace my husband just built!
If you're looking for a book to read, here's a few ideas for you:
I really enjoyed The Girl on the Train, and so I had high hopes going into this book. It did not disappoint! I think Hawkins has a real skill in making unlikeable characters sympathetic, and that's a real strength. Plus a great, eerie, mystery. If you like the show Broadchurch, you'll like this book.
I am so sad this series is over. I really loved it. This book wrapped it all up perfectly except for one tiny detail that I won't say because it's a bit spoilery. I can't wait for my kid to be old enough to read a book this long on his own, ghosts are right up his alley.
I had to re-read this so I could read the second in the series. There are a lot of details to remember, so I was glad I did.
I like how this book upped the stakes and kept the story going. I'm definitely excited for the last in the trilogy.

I like the "fake engagement" trope as much as the next, and this was perfectly adequate.
Literary fiction is not my favorite, and literary fiction written in 3rd person present is especially not favorite. That being said, I did finish it, and it was not bad. There were some characters I really enjoyed, which is important for lit fic.
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