A Month of Writing Motivation was the Operation Awesome theme for the 2020 A to Z Challenge. Here are our thoughts on how the challenge went this year:

J: It was a difficult year for the challenge. I thought posting about books on writing motivation would be easier than it actually turned out to be. But I'm glad I did it. I feel like most people could use more motivation in their lives right now. Even if it's something that boosts writing time to just 15 minutes a day. Those few minutes can be an escape if you feel inspired enough.
Dena: April 2020 was certainly a crazy month. I chose my motivation topic, “things to work on that still count as writing” back in January, before anyone knew just how insane this season would turn out to be. And I don't know about you, but I found it difficult to focus on editing my current WiP with all the craziness going on. This means that my topic turned out to be an actual reflection of what I ended up doing MYSELF during April. Especially the daydreaming and no-guilt-trips parts. But now that things are [hopefully] starting to open up again, I'm really excited to get back into my story. How about you?
Nathaniel: I learned by doing this challenge that I was a hypocrite five times this month because I preached writing advice that I *intend* to practice instead of mastering it beforehand. But that just means we'll all be learning together. :)
Kate: It was a crazy month to be doing the A to Z this year. When I volunteered to provide prompts, I din't realize I'd be in a period doing which I was doing little or no writing myself. I wish I could say that I took my own advice and used prompts to kickstart my own writing, but if I did, I'd be lying... Thankfully, I found a way to get myself back into it anyway. I hope the prompts were helpful to anyone else who found writing under lockdown more challenging than they may has suspected.
Amren: I wrote about apps and programs that keep me on-track when I'm writing - I didn't realize how much I rely on technology to keep me in line, haha! It amazes me that anyone's able to get any writing done without all these technological crutches. But it also makes me wonder, what is distracting me so much??? Maybe I need to switch to using those vintage typewriters taking up space in our spare bedroom...

Writing motivation. I have to read more posts in this blog. Shall do.
A to Z Challenge 2020 Reflection
This was a really tough year to do the Challenge. But I found the A to Z Challenge to be just the right distraction to keep me from feeling too anxious about what's going on in the world right now.
Hard times. I'm so happy to have scheduled all my post before the lockdown, otherwhise I wouldn't be able to complete the challenge.
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