Zhush it Up!
Well, friends, we did it - we made it to the end of April! We here at Operation Awesome hope you’ve learned something from our posts this month, something that’ll help you zhush your writing, your outlook, your mental health, whatever it may be.
Okay for real it's a real word.
Sometimes also spelled zhoosh, what we’re talking about here is incrementally making things better with little adjustments. It’s a hard word to pin down, but I’m pretty sure I first heard it on Queer Eye. It's these types of adjustments that we focused on with our A to Z theme of the Writing Journey. So, to recap, here's a categorized list of our posts from this month:
Writing Tips
Mental Health
Querying and Publishing
OA Interviews
- Can You Relate?
- Hustle - Striking the Right Balance
- (How to Cope with Negative) Reviews
- Vacation from Your Writing
- Flash Fiction
- Genre
- Why Interview are about the Author, Not Just the Book
- Marginalized Writers
- Understanding #PassOrPages
- World Building
- Young Adult
Querying and Publishing
- Beta Readers vs Critique Partners
- Eight Pages or Less of Synopsis Writing
- Publishing Contracts
- (How to Write a) Query Letter
OA Interviews
Zhush is an ongoing process, and we hope you'll be able to find some ways to zhush up your writing. If you feel you're ready to take that to the next level, you're in luck, because the next round of Pass or Pages is coming up! Enter the contest here on our blog for a chance to get a critique on your query letter and first 250 words from agents who will either pass on your work or request pages. Either way, you'll get valuable feedback to help you continue that zhush!
So, without further ado, the genre for May 2019 Pass or Pages is...
So, without further ado, the genre for May 2019 Pass or Pages is...
Adult Historical Fiction
Here are the important dates for this round:
May 7th: Agent panel announcement
May 13th-17th: Entry window (via a form here on our blog)
May 27th-31st: Feedback reveals!
For a recap of the rules and links to previous rounds, click here. Best of luck, and thank you for following along with us this April!
May 7th: Agent panel announcement
May 13th-17th: Entry window (via a form here on our blog)
May 27th-31st: Feedback reveals!
For a recap of the rules and links to previous rounds, click here. Best of luck, and thank you for following along with us this April!

Congratulations on completing the Challenge!
Looking forward to zhushing it up in the following months. Time to catch some zzzzzz's first.
Z is for Zulu Warrior in Belgium?
I really enjoyed your A-Z posts.
Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing: Zigging and Zagging
congrats on completing the challenge, I've enjoyed the posts I've read, and love what you did with Z. Well done
Congratulations on a month of incredibly helpful posts. I'm glad I didn't delete this Pass or Pages info as I feared I might have. I read Historical Fiction but my only attempt at writing it, is draft 1 at best. Maybe next time...
I'm probably blind, but did I miss the agent panel announcement?
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