Karis Rogerson is one of our team members here at Operation Awesome. Thanks for sitting down for this interview!
What do you love to write?
Fiction-wise, my preferred genre and age category is YA contemporary, although someday I’d love to write any kind of fantasy as well. When it comes to essays/nonfiction, I go for writing snarky essays about relationship and heartfelt ones about mental health.
What’s your writing philosophy?
Honesty and vulnerability. First and foremost, above all.
Are you an over-writer, an under-writer, or the unicorn: a perfect-length-writer?
Under-writer, unfortunately. I add words with each draft, though, so that’s amazing.
What makes a book important to you, or what would make you recommend a book to someone else?
When it tells the truth. In its representations of phases of life, in the way it portrays the things we go through, in the friends we make and the loves we have.
What would convince you to put a book down and not finish it?
Misrepresentations of mental illness or gratuitous violence toward women, honestly.
Honesty time: do you judge books by their covers?
Only positively — I think more highly of the pretty ones and may be more likely to buy them, but if it had an ugly cover I probably wouldn’t not buy it.
Describe your ideal writing nook.
I super wish I had a writing nook! But ugh I’ve never been that person.
What are your writing goals for this year?
I want to fully, finally finish the novel I’ve been trying to finish redrafting for so long.
What are you reading right now?
I’m about to start There’s Something About Sweetie and truly I could not be more excited. Sandhya Menon is one of MY FAVORITE authors, I’ve adored her and her work since 2017, so truly — I’m stoked.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?
To live full-time? Back to Italy! It’s where I grew up, so it’s absolutely home. And from there, I’d travel.
What’s something about you that others might find surprising?
Uhhh...I can’t think of anything, truly.
How do you decide what to write next? What to read next?
I just follow my heart!
Interesting... There are two forms of writing.. One, with the sole purpose of self-expression. The other is when communication of the message is the priority.
Novels and fictional stories that are creative belong to the first category.
The other one is about non-fiction, news, features, advertisements, public relations pieces etc.
Thank you for visiting my blog and I'm so glad to have found you through the A-Z Challenge. :)
I've subscribed and look forward to visiting regularly.
Warm regards
Thank you for taking your time out to visit my blog. I liked the above interview."I just follow my heart" sums up for me too.
Great interview. I'm an under-writer, too :-)
Ronel visiting from the A-Z Challenge with Music and Writing: Powerful K's
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