I know what you're thinking: "NaNoWriMo ALREADY??? Pump the brakes, Ortega, NaNoWriMo isn’t for another month!”
Yeah well I’m an overachiever I guess. I’m also very, very superstitious. And it's time to start planning.

Image courtesy of Fangirl Likes
Of course, my superstitious habit-driven brain has been screaming at me for the past month that I have to do things exactly the same way this year or I WILL FAIL.
Being in my brain is fun J
Anyway. I’m starting the prep process on October 3. For the past month, I’ve been writing down ideas as they came to me – my coworkers think I’m a very diligent note-taker, and I am, but it’s half work stuff and half fiction – and I already have about 30 pages of world building, character notes, and a rough outline. I'm very excited to get started, but I'm also trying to manage my expectations. I very much doubt that things are going to go as well as they did last year. But I can dream.
Anybody else doing NaNoWriMo prep in October, aka Preptober? How do you prepare? Are you more of a pantser or a planner, or maybe a plantser? Drop a comment and let us know!
1 comment:
I'm using October to prep my NaNoWriMo novel. Being honest, it's a rewrite of my 2018 project, which was a short story collection that evolved. A new opening and structure may transform the roughly linked collection. Well, that's the plan on October 2nd.
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