Monday, January 20, 2020

Questions to ask a literary agent on “the call”

Library reading nook 2018
Writers who want to be traditionally published are usually interested in being represented by a literary agent.  A literary agent can provide some major benefits to writers, including that the larger publishers [Big 5 – Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster] generally don't accept submissions directly from writers.  They only accept submissions from literary agents.

Last week we reviewed some questions to ask your critique partners and/or beta readers.  This week let's review some questions to ask if you have a literary agent interested in representing you.

First, congrats!  Getting “the call” from an agent means you've worked long and hard on your book and your query and maybe even a synopsis.  You've researched agents you believe would be a good fit for your book and your own personal style.  You've bitten your fingernails down to the quick with all the waiting and hoping.  And now you have an agent interested in talking to you!  Yay!

Now, here are some sample questions to ask:

Janet Reid - literary agent

Rachelle Gardner - literary agent

Jessica Faust - literary agent

Victoria Lee - author

And, here are some questions you might be asked.  Know your responses!

Maria Vicente - literary agent

Mary Kole - freelance editor, former literary agent

Finally, here's what one literary agency looks for in the writers they represent.

James McGowan - literary agent, BookEnds Literary Agency

Happy agent hunting!

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