J: In December, when Kate first mentioned using adaptations for our A to Z theme, I didn't think there was an alphabet of them worth mentioning. But look at our April! This theme turned out to be really fun. I hope our readers enjoyed what we offered. A to Z is a chance to present other sides of ourselves from what the regular audience counts on getting. Hopefully, this was a kind of bonding experience for our readers. Big bonus if we picked up new fans along the way!
Kate: I really enjoyed this theme because it ties together the two things I am most passionate about - books and films. It was fascinating to see how many very obscure books became great films, and how many great books fail to live up to their potential on screen. I enjoyed scooting around the blogosphere and seeing how many different ideas there were out there for our humble alphabet. Looking forward to next year's A-Z already!
Dena: I'm not much of a movie person so I didn't think I could come up with more than 1-2 movies I've seen [or wanted to see] that were based on books. I surprised myself by coming up with a whopping 6! Only needed 4 for the challenge and it was fun watching them [or watching them again] and in some cases reading the books again too. I also enjoyed hopping to other blogs altho I never have enough time to visit all the blogs that interest me. Every year I promise myself I'll make more time the following year, but so far I've broken that promise every time. Hopefully next year I'll do better!
Suzanna: I found it a wonderful experience, and I wanted to write so much about some of the stories to the screen that I selected (looking at you, Cloud Atlas, Dune, and Unbearable Lightness of Being). While I enjoyed writing all of the posts, it was interesting to start to rank these 8. There were of course, many stories that I would love to focus on within this topic, so don't be surprised if some Tuesday Tips are related to stories to screen ideas. I really enjoyed engaging with some of my favorite stories and finding new screen versions. I can't believe I did 8 this time around, which is a lot for me. Eight is a good number, so no complaints there! Also I have a new wish list this year to buy some of the films that I watched, and with a keen eye on some of my favorite films and see if they were written stories first. So much fun, and yes, I would do this challenge again!
Brandy: I found myself really enjoying this challenge! It gave me an opportunity to revisit old favorites and discover some new surprises! It was also fun to explore other blogs! I had a great time with this one!

Did you take part in the challenge? Have you answered our poll?

Our usual posting schedule will resume this month. The next Pass or Pages is June/July. Thanks for visiting!
Please vote in our poll! https://forms.gle/8cvCehkUKHMxx5C86
Sounds like you enjoyed yourselves!
Ronel visiting for A-Z Challenge Reflections 2022
You guys are all AWESOME. I think one year you gave me a shout out and I never said thank you. I'm so sorry.... life got / gets in the way sometimes. Glad you guys had a fun time. Congrats and I too am looking forward to next year's A2Z Challenge.
All y'all's entries were really good!
Congratulations on completing this year! Looks like you all a great time.
Tim Brannan
The Other Side | A to Z of Conspiracy Theories
Congratulations on completing the challenge, it was a great team work! I´m looking forward to reading the post I missed. :D
Glad you had a good time with it. I did too! -Sheri https://realitywithatwistbooks.wordpress.com/
You had a great theme! Congratulations on completing the challenge.
I can't remember when I visited you, but I remember learning about a movie being an adaptation that I had not known about before! (It's in my notes, somewhere, to look up the book.) I enjoyed the idea of this theme, and wish I'd made it back for more of the posts.
Sounds like you all had fun. Wendy, find me here: Wendy's Waffle
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