Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Reading Goals for 2022


A writer must read, and a reader must write.

Well, sometimes.

I am inspired by what I read, and with the trackers on Goodreads, and the occasional Amazon Kindle Challenge, it is always interesting to see what I read over the course of a year. Themes usually emerge for me, sometimes a exploring handful of writers or even a particular genre. 

This year is no different.

While my Goodreads goal is 90 books, and I've finished 32, I am "3 books behind schedule." My Kindle book goal is 45 books, and I've finished 19. 

Maybe I need to go to the library and curl up with some books.

What are your reading goals? Do you have patterns of what you tend to read? What are you reading right now?

1 comment:

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

I kind of have patterns of what I read. I'll read certain authors seasonally, more or less. I'll read high fantasy somewhere between fall and winter. Other genres, however, I pretty much read year-round. Right now I'm reading Alex Cavanaugh's "CassaDark" and so far finding it good. I'm also reading Anne Rice's novel, "Vittorio the Vampire", Edgar Rice Burroughs's "The People that Time Forgot" and, for the second time in at least five years, Michael Chabon's novel, "The Adventures of Kavelier and Clay".