Thursday, September 10, 2015

Meet Jack Sprat! Issue #1

Attention Comic-Con Fans! 
(and authors!) 
Meet Jack, Issue #1 from Jack Sprat Magazine 

(FREE download until September 15th)

If you're a reader looking for something fun and unusual, check it out! It's free until September 15th! Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway (below) for a One Year Subscription to Jack Sprat Magazine.

If you're an author looking for something outside the normal realm of publishing, hop on over to the submission guidelines and THEME for Issue #2. (submissions are officially open September 15th.)  And do enter the Rafflecopter giveaway (below) for a One Year Subscription to Jack Sprat Magazine.

From the Jack Sprat Press website: 

What we’re looking for:

Genre mash-up, inspired by a classic crayola crayon color, no more than 1000 words. It must be a complete, stand-alone story with a unique twist. Make us go, “hmmm…”

Complete 4-page comics, art included, also inspired by a classic crayola crayon color. We like dark stories with a whimsical twist (e.g. Tim Burton or Neil Gaiman). Any style is accepted. We’re fans of manga, superhero, even stick figures. Wow us with your originality.

The genres we’re interested in:
Science Fiction
Magical Realism

Good luck!! :-) 

Enter for a chance to win a ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION:

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