Saturday, January 17, 2015

February Mystery Editor Lottery - NOW CLOSED

Welcome to the lottery for our first contest of 2015the February Mystery Editor contest! Yes, you read that rightMystery Editor! Are your pitches ready to go? We are looking for your 25-word pitch, plus the first 250 words of your manuscript.

What is our Mystery Editor seeking?

Our Mystery Editor is open to read anything but is particularly looking for good women’s fiction, along the lines of Liane Moriarty’s books.

When can you enter?

Right now! The lottery will close Friday, January 23rd at 11:59 pm EST.

How to enter:

  Enter your name and email address in the Rafflecopter below.

  Make sure you complete the last step in the Rafflecopter and email your entry to operationawesome6 (at) gmail (dot) com. Email the following in this format:

Email address:
Pen Name: (if applicable--this will be the name posted in the forum)

Word Count:

25-word Pitch:

First 250 words:

Do you want to be included in the forum for feedback?

Important: Once you have completed this last step, type “Done” in step 3 of the Rafflecopter and click "Enter!" to complete your entry.

And that’s it.

Please enter only once and only if your manuscript is finished and query-ready.

The lottery will close Friday, January 23rd at 11:59 pm EST. Lottery winners will be posted here on the blog on Saturday, January 24th.

Twenty-five (25) lucky entrants will be selected and not only will the Mystery Editor take a look at them for a chance to win fabulous prizes, but we'll be posting all 25 entries here on the blog on February 1st for cheerleading and constructive feedback. And last but certainly not least, the reveal, along with the to-be-announced prizes, will be posted here sometime in the month of February.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments.

Good luck!!


Anonymous said...

It's late so I'm probably missing this. Are we going to have a chance to post revised pitches and excerpts?



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