Wednesday, February 25, 2015

March Mystery Agent Contest Lottery!

Welcome to the lottery for our March Mystery Agent contest! Are your manuscripts polished and your pitches ready to go? We are looking for your twitter pitches, plus the first 250 words of your manuscript.
What is our Mystery Agent seeking?
Our Mystery Agent is searching for YA, MG, SF/F, Romance and Erotica
When can you enter?
Right now! The lottery will close Sunday March 1st at 11:59 pm CST.

How to enter:
•  Enter your name and email address in the Rafflecopter below.
•  Make sure you complete the last step in the Rafflecopter and email your entry to operationawesome6 (at) gmail (dot) com. Email the following in this format:

Email address:
Pen Name: (if applicable--this will be the name posted in the forum)
Word Count:
Twitter Pitch: 
First 250 words:
Do you want to be included in the forum for feedback?

Important: Once you have completed this last step, type “Done” in step 3 of the Rafflecopter and click "Enter!" to complete your entry.
And that’s it.
Please enter only once and only if your manuscript is finished and query-ready.
The lottery will close Sunday, March 1 at 11:59 pm CST. Lottery winners will be posted here on the blog hopefully March 2 or 3. Apologies for this being late.
Twenty-five lucky entrants will be selected and not only will the Mystery Agent take a look at them for a chance to win fabulous prizes, but we'll be posting all 25 entries here on the blog on March 2 or 3 for cheerleading and constructive feedback. And last but certainly not least, the reveal, along with the to-be-announced prizes, will be posted here sometime in the month of March.
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. Also check out Wendy Nikel's interview with Melody Winter, also on the blog today! (We ended up having to double post).

Good luck!!


Anonymous said...

Question: You ask for a "Twitter pitch" in one place and a "25-word pitch" in another. My 25-word pitch is too long for a Twitter pitch. So should I include both?

Unknown said...

That's a typo on my part! It should be twitter pitch, though I'm sure you can get away with a few extra characters if you need to!

Suja said...

Hi, I sent the email, but forgot to state that I would like to be included in the forum feedback. Sorry about that.

Mel said...

Nooo, I entered my 30 word pitch, not my twitter pitch. What shall I do?

Angelica R. Jackson said...

Mel, you can email us the correct one (with a notation to that effect) at OperationAwesome6 (at) gmail (dot) com and we'll try to match it up to your entry

Angelica R. Jackson said...

No problem, we'll make a note of if

Anonymous said...

Not sure if my entry went through or not - MG called "The Trouble With Queenie"

Unknown said...

I accidentally autofilled my registration in the Rafflecoptor with the wrong email. I submitted my entry from the correct one. What can I do?

Lorien said...

There isn't a confirmation email for submissions, correct? Just want to ensure I didn't miss something!

R. Elena Tabachnick said...

I totally messed up the first part of the rafflecopter drop down for email entries. My name & email went in fine, but I wasn't sure what to put int he first part and...

Please forgive my ignorance. How do I fix this? Your email didn't accept my email entry.

Debra Daugherty said...

I might have messed up my entry. Where it said type: all I had was my name when it was sent. I did send required info via my email. Tell me if I goofed.

Unknown said...

Lorien, there is no confirmation email.

Becky Mahoney said...

Hi Rita! Your entry went through, thank you!

Becky Mahoney said...

No problem Christopher. We'll make a note that the e-mail you submitted your entry from is the one you'd like to use.

Becky Mahoney said...

Hi Elena! I found your entry on the Rafflecopter and I'm going to send you an e-mail from the Operation Awesome account. Try replying to it with your entry.

Becky Mahoney said...

Hi Debra! I see your entry on the Rafflecopter and in our e-mail, so you're all set.

Unknown said...

Thanks, the wrong one is Christopher (at) AShortseries (dot) com, and the correct one is ChristopherTNugent (at) gmail (dot) com