Another reading roundup! Need a good book to read as winter settles in? I've got a list for you:
I read this last year, and already raved about it on our favorite books of 2016 post. I reread it because I loved it so much, and I still love it.
A retelling of The Great Gatsby, but the characters are on a debate team at a fancy prep school. Super fun.
I've never read John Grisham before, and I wanted to see what all of the fuss was about. While I didn't love his writing style, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time I read. The man know how to write suspense.
I read this on a whim because it was available through my library's ebook app. I was so glad I did! It's a retelling of Labyrinth (which may also be a retelling, but I don't care!), and it's beautiful. Can't wait for the sequel.
Another reread. This is You've Got Mail, but with a restaurant owner and a newspaper food critic. Wow, three retellings/reimaginings in one reading roundup? That's a new record for me. This one makes me feel warm and fuzzy, and hungry. And DEFINITELY try the coconut cake recipe at the end. It's amazing.
I gave Brigid Kemmerer another try after feeling sideswiped by the paranormal elements coming out of nowhere in her last book. This book was much more to my taste. Would definitely recommend, especially to teen readers.
This is the second book in the Reality Star series. It's so fun, and Laura does a great job of building off the first book and deepening the relationship between Jen and Justin without feeling like we're just retreading the same ground. Can't wait for Reality Wedding to come out next year!

I have been reading this book all year, taking it slowly, trying to internalize its concepts. It's very empowering. I'm sure it will be a book I read over and over again. I even bought the workbook!

I wanted to read the third book in this series, so I had to start over with the first one. This is excellent epic fantasy.

Book 2 feels like a lot of set up for book 3, but is still a good read.
Whew. This book was huge. I felt like the ending was satisfying, but it took a lot of twists and turns to get there. Overall, I would definitely recommend the series to anyone interested in fantasy.
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