Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Queries: Chats, OA and Elana J!

Hate them or love them, we all have to write query letters. I know, I know. There are times I'd rather write a 70k MS than sit down and slog out 250 words about my plot. But we must.

Like those L'Oreal know your MS is worth it.

So put down the pen. Step away from the synopsis and come chat queries with us.

Yep, Operation Awesome is having a query chat on Thursday the 28th of October at 9pm (EST)/8pm (CT).
We'll be talking how to/what not to do, the things you MUST include and everything in between. Oh heck, it's just a huge query chat. Oh, and that's not all. Did I mention we have a special guest?

Yes, joining us is the query goddess herself, Elana Johnson.

And we want you! That's right, come chat with Elana and the Operation Awesome gals.

I'll prepare virtual cookies (as always), but we have other prizes as well. There will be a few copies of Elana's awesome query ebook (which will get you a handy-dandy free crit with purchase).  And Elana has generously offered 3 query critiques as extra prizes.

Can you say frawesome?

Okay, I really need to lay off the cookies. :)

So, join us on the 28th of October at 9pm (EST) here at OA and lets talk queries.

Oh, and don't forget the Twi-Contest is still open. This is your chance to win a set of (Limted Edition) UK only set of white cover Twilight books.


Renae said...

Elana's the best! Should be a fantastic chat!

Jemi Fraser said...

Looking forward to this - Elana is awesome :)

Jude said...


Shannon O'Donnell said...

Oh, yeah! Count me in! :-)

Katrina L. Lantz said...

I'm putting in a request for the cyber mint thins cookie variety. :) Thanks, Lindsay and Elana! October is pretty boring, but you've given me something WAY cooler than Halloween to look forward to at the end of the month! ;)

*whispers* My query skillz suck. I need you guys.

Lisa_Gibson said...

Oh, I hope I can make it. Elana rocks!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Bridgid Gallagher said...

Elana Johnson = my query hero. I'm so there. ;)

Julie Musil said...

Yep, this is awesome. I'll be there! Will it be on that thingy on the right?

Kristal Shaff said...

No Julie. We'll have something set up directly on the blog. It more high tech than the chatzy room and will work better for this type of event.

Just visit the blog here at chat time and you'll see it.

Unknown said...

Heck yeah I'll be there! How cool!